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Papers On International Business
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New Zealand’s Free Trade
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A 13 page paper examining New Zealand’s growing influence in international trade. New Zealand eliminated its last few trade restrictions in the late 1990s to become one of the least-regulated countries in the world in terms of trade regulation. It has an active import-export market; Australia, the United States and Japan comprise its primary trading partners, with the United Kingdom, China and Germany following. The purpose here is to agree with the statement that “Latin America and Australia could be a threat or an ally in New Zealand’s trade with the northern hemisphere.” Currently, Australia is an ally; Latin America seems to be neutral. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KStradeNewZeal.rtf

NGO Ethics and Accountability
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A 15 page paper focusing on the accountability of NGO (non-governmental organizations) activity and the ethical base on which it is founded to inform actions that NGOs take in developing nations. NGOs must be held accountable not only for their specific actions, but also for the ethics underlying those actions. Investors need to reward public NGOs with support in the stock market rather than abandon those not posting consistently positive quarterly results. Greater transparency and commitment to the TBL (triple bottom line) model can assist in educating investors and NGOs, as can assessment of possible alternatives on a “what if” basis. The cost of avoidance of damage nearly always is less than its repair. The paper uses the philosophy of Kant and Mill; cost-benefit analysis; and real-world examples in support of its conclusions. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSintlNGOacctTBL.rtf

Nike and Reebok - A Comparison
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This 7 page report discusses and compares Nike and Reebok in terms of issues such as market share, product quality, social responsibility, and concerns about shifting manufacturing from Indonesia to China. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Nikbok.wps

Nike as a Multinational Company
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An 10 page research paper that includes Nike's earnings as reported to the SEC. Nike was founded in the mid-1960's by a former college track star to import high-quality athletic shoes. Total revenues in 1996 were more than $6.5 billion, and the company is expected to top $8 billion for 1997. As the U.S. market for athletic footwear and apparel matures, Nike is looking outward for its future growth, particularly to the world soccer market. Other cultures of the world are much more reserved in the types of advertising they will tolerate without offense, however, and Nike needs to closely study those cultures they see as most important to their success in the global marketplace to avoid risking alienating millions of people to the point that Nike's global ventures become unsuccessful. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Nike2.doc

Nike Corporation & The Controversy Over Sweat Shops
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5 pages in length -- A detailed examination of the controversy concerning Nike and the employment of low-wage foreign workers & children subject to long hours and poor working conditions overseas. Nike's own side of the argument is evaluated and the laws being formulated to prevent these abuses as well as the important responsibility that we all have in helping to protect the rights of workers everywhere represent the ingredients of the writer's strong anti-Nike conclusion. Bibliography lists 5 sources. Includes outline...
Filename: Nikeswea.wps

Nike in Russia
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This 5 page paper looks at the position of Nike in the Russian market, considering aspects such as economic, political, cultural and legal as well as position and the role of marketing as a strategy in the positioning. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEnikecs.wps

Nike; A PEST Analysis
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This 5 page paper looks at the political, economic, social and technological influences on this company. The writer then considers how the reactions to these macro environmental factors may impact on the different stakeholders. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEnikeps.rtf

Nike; The Last Decade
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This 9 page paper considers the influences and actions of the company over the past ten years. The issues such as employment and labour relations, use of resources, the competitive environment and international strategy are all considered. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEnike01.wps

Nokia Corporation -- A Case Study in Corporate Financial Issues
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This 28 page report discusses on Finland’s Nokia Corporation, the world’s largest and most profitable mobile-phone maker. In terms of the company’s financial structure and well-being, Nokia has always presented itself as a strong commercial entity with significant investment opportunity. Because Finland, unlike many other nations, always encouraged competition in the industry, Nokia was able to prosper. The processes associated with divesting itself of ventures not directly related to telecommunications and the advancement of telecommunications technology has been a key issue for Nokia in the past decade. The business economics theory that it proves is that an appropriate but not limiting focus on core competencies is essential for an organization that has become an international behemoth. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: BWnokia.wps

Nokia: Doing Business Around the Globe
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5 pages. Nokia, headquartered in Finland, is an excellent example of a multi-national company that has been able to successfully adapt its business to other countries and among international competitors. This paper describes how this giant in the telecommunications industry manages to face challenges in both the host and parent countries. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAglbco.rtf

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