Papers On International Business
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NAFTA and the Plight of the American Laborer
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An 8 page research paper on the negative effects of NAFTA on the blue collar worker. The writer explains that loss of jobs to Mexico has a bad economic, mental, and emotional effect on American workers and society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Naftano3.wps
NAFTA And The Transportation & Logistics Industry
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A 9 page paper on this topic. The writer explores how NAFTA has impacted the railway and trucking industries, and affected trade with Mexico. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Naftatra.wps
NAFTA's Effect on Wages & The Labor Market
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A paper of 8 pages discussing the effects that NAFTA may have had on US wages and the labor market. During the presidential debates in the campaign in which Ross Perot was a candidate, he warned of the "great sucking sound" that American jobs would make as they exited the country in favor of Mexico were NAFTA to be enacted. Four years after the passage of NAFTA, opinions and results are both mixed as NAFTA is first blamed and then praised for a variety of business results. Amazingly, many analysts cannot seem to reach a firm conclusion on just what effect NAFTA has had on the American labor market and wage rates, though there is no disagreement on the results of the components that have been studied. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: NAFTAwag.wps
NAFTA's Impact on the Entertainment Industry
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A 7 page paper examining the impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the entertainment industry. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: Nafent.wps
NAFTA; The Membership of Mexico
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This 11 page paper looks at the role of NAFTA, the way in which the agreement has effect trade between the United States and Mexico, and then considers whether the agreement has been a success form the perspective of Mexico. The paper includes 3 graphs and the bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEnaftam.wps
Nando’s – A Case Study
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This 12 page paper is written in two parts. The first part considers why Nando’s has managed to achieve such success in its’ home nation. The second part then looks at how the company is managing international success and may continue to grow in this way. The bibliography cite 10 sources.
Filename: TEnando1.rtf
National Culture; A Workplace Comparison Between Japan and America
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This 5 page paper examines the national cultural differences between America and Japan by using Hofstede's model. The writer gives examples of these different cultural diversities and indicated how they impact in they workplace. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEjapamc.wps
National Systems of Innovation; Japan and the Former USSR
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This 10 page paper considers the very different systems of innovation in these two countries, comparing them and looking at the long term effects of the different systems and considers how the post socialism economy has performed with the withdrawal of the state funding. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEinnova.rtf
Need For Understanding Culture: Proposal - Tutorial
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A 6 page tutorial paper that addresses a student-presented scenario about a small company expanding to Japan. The writer discusses the need to learn the customs and to practice them if the company is to be successful. Examples are provided related to cultural differences in business practices between the two countries. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGexpjp3.rtf
New Zealand Business Ethics
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A 6 page paper that discusses business ethics in New Zealand. Studies consistently indicate that New Zealand has very little corruption in their business community. The writer discusses these studies, the business code of ethics, and new organizations initiated in this nation for the promotion of ethics and social responsibility. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGnzeth.rtf
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