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Papers On Human Resource Issues
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Kinko's, Inc.
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A 14 page paper discussing Kinko's management and possibilities for increasing the level of true communication occurring between locations. Kinko's is expanding into diverse international markets, and the private company has 900 locations just in the US. The paper has a discussion of Management By Objective and its usefulness for short-term projects such as opening new stores, along with an organizational chart and two communications diagrams. The chosen method for enhancing communications between locations is that of video conferencing, using equipment that every Kinko's uses already for that service. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Kinkos.wps

Knowledge Management and Human Resources
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A 10 page paper discussing the role that Human Resources can play in developing a knowledge management system within the organization. As human capital becomes ever-more important to organizations, it is reasonable that HR should take a significant role in developing knowlege management systems. It is people from which the knowledge is gained, and it is people that will be using that retained and later created. That the "people" department should have a role in its development is only logical. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSknowMan.wps

Knowledge Management Questions
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A 12 page paper answering six questions about knowledge management (KM). Questions include general topics ranging from whether KM is just another management fad (no) to whether we are experiencing a qualitative shift in the ways organizational knowledge is produced (yes). It includes a discussion of KM in HRM and ways it can inform our understanding of how organizations function. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSknowMgmt.wps

Labor Markets As Social Constructs
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This 5 page paper discusses the premise that labor markets are influenced by social constructs. The paper begins with general comments about labor markets and the fact that they are influenced by both economic and non-economic forces. Social construct is defined with examples. The writer then discusses how social constructs impact who is and who is not hired. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGlbmk.rtf

Labor Relations: Australia
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A 12 page paper discussing the framework of employees, management and government regulation and the contributions that each make to the overall business climate of the country. Australia has had economic problems in the past, but it is emerging as a liaison country between East and West with its position on the Pacific Rim and close association with Asian neighbors. Governmental reforms has made Australia more business friendly than ever, and the economy is beginning to show the results of those efforts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSlaborRelAus.rtf

Labor Strikes' Effectiveness
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A 6 page paper discussing the damage that labor strikes can do to the object of the strike. There have been other famous strikes, most as evenly divided in results as these two century-apart strikes discussed here (UPS and Carnegie Steel). Minneapolis' Bloody Friday on July 20, 1934 resulted in a better Teamster contract at company expense, but also resulted in the death of two strikers. The rail strike in Buffalo in 1877 also was violent, but had the distinction of having the support of the middle class. It can be argued that conditions a century ago necessitated drastic measures. Those strikes of today in venues such as UPS and airline companies reflect more greed than anything else, hurting the company and ultimately diminishing the gains by workers that otherwise would be possible. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSstrikes.wps

Labor Unions In The 21st Century
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A 5 page paper. Will labor unions survive in the 21st century? This paper addressees this question by reporting some of the problems unions have had in the late 20th century. The writer then outlines some of the many changes the unions must make if they are still going to exist in this new millennium. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PG21un.wps

Labour Flexibility in Japan and the US
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A Comparison In any successful economy there is a need for labour flexibility. This 12 page paper considers the flexibility of workers in Japan and the US, comparing and contrasting the way that the different cultures have resulted in different types of flexibility. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TElabflx.rtf

Lafontaine Electronics Company
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A 12 page paper. Using a student-provided scenario, the writer offers alternatives and recommendations regarding the actions a company should take when closing a plant. The company must close one of its four plants in Canada. The plant selected is the least efficient and also employs the fewest employees. The writer identifies the problems, the implications of closing the plant, generates alternatives and makes a recommendation for the company to consider. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGlafon.wps

Layoffs and Organizational Commitment
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This 5 page report discusses how layoffs affect those who “survive” the layoff process and remain in their jobs with the organization. For example, do changes take place regarding a survivor’s organizational commitment, work effort, and job satisfaction? How are those changes different from the pre-layoff period? The report explores the larger question of: “What can an organization do to encourage the commitment and ongoing support of employees who survive a layoff?” Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWlayoff.wps

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