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Papers On Human Resource Issues
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Management: Communication
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A 9 page paper. Experts consistently argue that communication in organizations is not effective. Patterns of communication can be found in every organization and managers typically follow along with the established patterns. The general topic of communication in organizations is discussed. The writer also discusses the types of communication approaches a manager might use in specific situations, such as delegation, coaching, consulting, briefing, criticizing, giving feedback and praising. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGcmdif.rtf

Managing Change
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This 6 page paper considers how change may be managed within an organisation. The paper beginning with an outline of how and why resistance may occur and then looks at tools which can be used to overcome resistance and win over employees at all levels. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEorchng2.rtf

Managing Conflict When Changing to Team Approach to Management
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5 pages. When an organization implements change of any type there is bound to be conflict. This is especially true when changing from individual-based work to the team approach to management. This paper points out the possible conflicts that arise when implementing teams and how to circumvent those problems before they get out of hand. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAmncft.rtf

Managing Diversity
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A 5 page paper. The workplace continues to become more diverse, in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, age and so forth. The human resource director and line managers are responsible for creating a work environment in which each individual can find their own motivation. The writer discusses this issue and includes, among other topics, gain-sharing and executive information systems. Population data included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGdiveis.wps

Managing Diversity
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An 7 page paper. Managing a diverse workforce is a challenge faced by most companies. The writer explains that diversity is not confined to race and culture, it is much broader incorporating gender, age and many other "differences." The writer also explains what it means to manage diversity and strategies that have been used. The writer then discusses one approach and why that one would be used. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PFdvmg4.rtf

Managing Diversity In Hospitals
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A 6 page paper. This paper begins with a discussion of the importance of the IS department in hospitals. It then discusses managing a diverse workforce. The writer provides an outline of questions managers should ask themselves to assure they are managing fairly. Data included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGdvshos.rtf

Managing Hairdressers
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A 5 page paper discussing the management of a profession that combines qualities of technical ability, production work and customer service. The manager's job is to create and maintain an atmosphere of creativity and open communication long before any conflicts can arise. That climate is not something that merely happens. It emerges from the concerted effort to establish full and open communication in all directions, where creativity is welcomed and encouraged but tempered with adherence to customers' wishes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtHair.rtf

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This paper discusses how two companies that have merged can also merge their corporate and personnel cultures without a great deal of conflict and bad feeling. Specific advice is provided, as well as some examples. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTperM&A.rtf

Managing Performance through the Pay Packet
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This 12 page paper looks at the way in which performance related pay (PRP) is being used to try to control improved performance in the workplace. The writer begins by defining performance related pay and then considers how and why it may be motivational and increase performance along with how it may be interpreted negatively by the employees. The paper focuses on the UK and Europe citing companies and cases, but the theories are valid globally. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
Filename: TEprpmot.rtf

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This human resource paper is a study on how supervisors can manage "difficult" employees. The essay defines a difficult employee, discusses what causes difficult employees and provides positive suggestions about how to handle these people. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTdifemp.rtf

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