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Papers On Business Management & Management Theory
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Improving Operations In A Law Firm
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A 7 page paper. A work team at a law firm has been given the task of developing a plan and an operational system that will increase employee motivation and improve the firm's efficiency. The writer discusses the components of strategic planning, including vision and motivation. The paper then discusses a specific software application that increases efficiency for law firms. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGlwop.rtf

Improving Organizational Communications
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A 6 page paper portraying a communications consultant's report to the senior management at ABC Corporation of the state of communications he has discovered within their organization at their request. He has found the company to have effective measures in place and recommends alteration only of their method of conflict resolution. ABC Corporation has all the ingredients of maintaining effective communications throughout the organization, including the prime factor of being aware of how easily internal "disconnects" can occur and become solidified. The consultant uses the example of Xerox and Federal Express for application of Deming's admonition to break down barriers between departments. One 3-part illustrative diagram. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Commorg2.wps

Improving Organizational Performance
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This 10 page paper discusses ways to enhance or improve a company's performance. Some topics included are the three major categories of a 'smart organization'; the skills and attributes of effective leaders; general methods to improve company performance, such as benchmarking, business process re-engineering and others; and the importance of motivating employees, which includes a brief overview of Maslow's Needs theory and Herzberg's job enrichment theory. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGimpor.rtf

Improving Organizational Performance - Tutorial
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A 10 page paper that discusses a number of issues related to improving organizational performance. The writer begins with a discussion about effective leadership and the qualities, skills and behaviors of an effective leader. Next is an outline of some of the methods and strategies that can be utilized to improve a company's performance, such as strategic planning and benchmarking. This is followed by discussions of how to improve internal communication and the differences between horizontal and vertical integration within the company. Finally, the systems perspective is discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGimppr.rtf

Improving Performance; Introducing Total Quality Management
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This 14 page paper examines the way in which TQM may be introduced to an organization. The paper explains the underlying theory of this management tool, the planning and the practical implications of introducing a change such as this. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEtqintro.wps

Industrial Espionage: It Takes A Village
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This five-page-paper presents a detailed discussion about industrial espionage. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: CWespion.wps

Industrial/Factory Management
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A 21 page paper. Managers in today's manufacturing factory continually face numerous challenges in keeping their company competitive in today's global market. Two of those challenges are Continual improvement in the quality of the product and Motivating their workforce where so many employees on the floor do repetitive jobs every day. These are the two problems that will be addressed in this paper. A number of theories and practices are discussed in relation to these two challenges, including: Complexity of the factory; TQM; Total Improvement Management; and a number of motivation theories and practices. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Filename: PGindmgt.wps

Industry for Customer Service Orientation
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A Comparison of Disney and the Healthcare This 7 page paper provides an overview of customer service in the health care industry and how Disney approaches customer service. What the health industry can learn from Disney is the focus of the paper. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA246D.rtf

Influences on a Business
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This well written 20 page paper consider the macro and micro environmental influences that may be felt by a business. To demonstrate this the example of the retail sector is used, but the models may be equally applied to other industries. To demonstrate this and discuss the influences the paper uses the analytical models of Porter's Five Forces, a PEST analysis and a SWOT analysis. In this way a variety of internal and external influences are discussed. The paper uses plenty of examples to illustrate the points raised and give real examples of their application. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEanalys.wps

Information Technology and Communication at Mobil
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This 10 page report style paper consider the use of technology for communication at the oil giant Mobil. The paper considers how the current systems were developed and why they evolved in the manner as well as considering how the company may further improve its communication strategy by the use of technology. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEmobilt.wps

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