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Papers On Business Management & Management Theory
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Management & Control of Quality
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A 15 page paper discussing quality issues in both manufacturing and service industries. The paper gives a brief history of Total Quality Management (TQM), as well as the impetus of American manufacturing to adopt it. At the time that TQM became so popular, there were other factors involved in American buying decisions aside from only quality. Unemployment was high, inflation was nearly out of control and mortgage rates were the highest they had ever been. Consumerism was healthy, but buyers needed to believe that products would last and serve them well. Business and private customers alike have come to view perfection as a minimum standard, and customer desires now are as much of a quality issue as is zero defects. The paper explores continuous process improvement as a necessary business practice and management's role in ensuring that it can flourish. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Mancont.wps

Management & Motivation
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A 5 page paper on different ways to motivate workers so that they want to be hired, stay with the company, or do a better job. Sometimes motivating the workers means changing things at the job site and sometimes it means that the management should give the workers more money. Offering the workers more money is sometimes helpful but there are also times when money will not change how a worker feels about his or her job. Sometimes the worker just wants more respect or maybe a chance to use his ideas. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: motive.wps

Management / Human Resource Model Thesis
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"A Study of Home-Based Laser Assemble Employees Through Exit Interviews and Information Technology." 65 pages in length including all charts, graphs, and statistical diagrams. The purpose of this particular study was to determine (via analysis of exit interviews) if an increase in both the quantity and quality of training through the use of information technology would assist in retaining home-based laser assembly employees. APA guidelines are adhered to, points are well-made, and more than 20 references are listed in bibliography. Interview/survey blanks (Appendix) are included FREE of charge !
Filename: Manathes.wps

Management And Leadership
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A 14 page paper that looks at different aspects of management and leadership beginning with the difference between the two. The writer then takes a quick journey into the ancient past to explore some of the characteristics of people like Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan to determine which of the characteristics are as important today as they were in their day. Current leadership theory is discussed as is motivational theory. Specific examples are provided. The writer also offers a brief discussion on how technology is affecting management. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: PGmgt12.wps

Management and Management Science / Features and Elements
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This 7 page research paper explores different aspects of management in today's world. Included are discussions on TQM, Motivation, SWOT, and the need for Diversity Training. While these topics represent only a fraction of the whole of management science, information about each can increase the manager's knowledge and skill levels to be more effective in today's corporate world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Mgtsci.wps

Management and Motivational Theorists
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A 4 page paper noting that management of engineers is nearly as notorious as management of programmers. Both are technically sound and know where it is that their efforts need to take them, but may have a lack of business or management knowledge that can allow them either to be managed effectively or to manage others effectively. The paper discusses the theories of Blanchard, Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor, as well as the origin of the “Hawthorne effect.” Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtEngineers.rtf

Management as Both Art and Science
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This 8 page paper explores management paradigms along with the debate of management being science or art. This paper concludes that it can and should be both. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA217art.rtf

Management at Croft Food
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An 8 page paper discussing morale and motivation in a production setting. Croft Food has been acquired by M2V, which has set out to bring the former Croft in line with M2V's existing structure. After three years, productivity has suffered and employees are struggling with low morale. The paper discusses the theory of enhancing motivation and morale, including Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It highlights where M2V managed well and where it did not, making suggestions for rectifying past mistakes. The paper strongly recommends realigning production to form a team-based structure to increase productivity, enhance communication and improve morale in ways the workers have indicated are important. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KS-Croft.wps

Management At Three Major Airlines
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A 9 page paper discussing the similarities and the management philosophies of American, United and Delta. All old, established companies, they are the three leaders of the US airline industry in terms of total revenues. Neither was profitable until the federal government authorized air mail by private carrier in 1925, and all three operate with only an uneasy peace with their pilots. The paper asks whether any of the three practices TQM, and concludes, based on the company-as-hostage stance of the pilots, that they do not. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: 3Airline.rtf

Management by Theory
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A 10 page paper discussing the evidence of past management theories in current practice, even when that presence is neither recognized nor acknowledged. The increasing complexities of interrelationships both within organizations and between them can complicate management; evaluation and alteration of existing systems can serve to simplify the tasks of management. One company evaluated and changed attendance policies yet managed to make gains in employee morale and performance, which in turn improved customer service and the company's efficiency. The precepts of several theories can be found in these changes. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtTheo.wps

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