Papers On Business Management & Management Theory
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Choosing the Optimum Organizational Structure
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A 5 page paper examining organizational structure and strategic management theory in arriving at the “ideal” organizational structure. Organizational structure is the formal, stated set of relationships between various departments and units of the organization. The precise form that this ideal organizational structure takes will be dictated in part by the type of business that the organization supports and where it falls in classification hierarchy. Ultimately, the ideal structure serves the needs of the business, rather than the business existing to serve the needs of the structure. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtOrgStruc.rtf
Christian Leadership
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An 8 page paper that discusses specific topics. These include a personal leadership vision for the next couple years, values, Biblical perspective on using authority, important factors in decision making, the importance of character in leadership and the need for spiritual leaders to have a personal relationship with God. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGchld07.RTF
Christiansen's The Innovator's Dilemma
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This 10 page reaction paper provides an overview of the book. Management is discussed in general and the author's theory is contemplated.No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA106Bus.wps
Chrysler LLC - An Analysis
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This 10 page paper begins with a brief history of Chrysler, which introduced its first car in 1924 but when it acquired Dodge, it's history took a new beginning, in 1924. The history is extremely complex and long, thus, a shortened history of highlights is provided. The essay then turns to a SWOT of Chrysler LLC, the new company under the ownership of Cerberus Capital Management. The essay ends with a Porter Five-Forces Analysis with concluding comments. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: PGchryslr.RTF
Circumventing The 'Glass Ceiling'/ Women As Entrepreneurs
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8 pages in length. There is really nothing any more remarkable in women entrepreneurs' efforts than there are in the men counterparts' work, at least not in the present. In the early years, women were at a distinct disadvantage if they intended to focus on any business that could be seen as untraditional. Since those first ground-breaking years, however, women-owned businesses are just businesses—sound management practices and tuned acumen truly is without gender. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Womanent.rtf
Cisco's Brochure in the Context of Weick's Organizing Theory
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This 10 page paper evaluates Brochure which is related to wireless networking. Weick's theory of organizing is explored in depth. How one can utilize Weick's theory in the context of analyzing Brochure is explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA345Bro.rtf
Classical And Scientific Management: Organizational Context Of Communication Past And Present
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8 pages in length. Classical management carries with it myriad definitions, in particular the need to maintain an atmosphere that is restrained and simple, conforming to established taste of critical standards or adhering to traditional forms. Scientific management, on the other hand, represents the coupling of science and engineering as they relate to work practices as a means by which to augment management control and productivity. Its emergence took place in the forty-year span between 1880 and 1920, where it
was significantly dependent upon machinery in order for work to be appropriately subdivided into highly specialized, routine tasks. From a management point of view, the very foundation of the classical theory was to establish a universal method appropriate for all situations; indeed, it was a search for truth. It was as if the theorists were in search of an end all be all sort of application that would effectively address all questions as to how organizations worked and how managers should managed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCmncom.rtf
Clust; Group Buying
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This 8 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Clust is a French web site based on the idea of group purchasing, but this model of selling is taking time to develop and revenues are not as high as the company hoped for. The paper considers the positions and potential strategies the company can follow. The paper is based on a HBS case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEclust1.rtf
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This 5 page paper comments on the origins of the co-leadership model and its re-emergence. The essay discusses what co-leadership is, the pros and cons of the model and offers one example of how it works successfully in a large corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGcoldr.RTF
Coaxing Culture Change
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A 10 page paper discussing the need for cultural change at Dell. The paper reviews Deming’s position that more democratic management is more productive than harsh, autocratic approaches. Dell has been seeking to change its organizational culture, and that effort has been effective in most of the company. There are pockets that cling to the old ways, however. The paper encourages Dell to adopt Senge’s systems view of the organization and to actively seek to bring along those pockets that have resisted senior management’s efforts to make Dell more responsive to the needs of all its customers, both internal and external. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtDell04.rtf
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