Papers On Business Management & Management Theory
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Change Management and Change Theory
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An 8 page paper assessing five change models: Kanter et al.'s Ten Commandments for Executing Change; Kotter's Eight-Stage Process for Successful Organizational Transformation; and Luecke's Seven Steps. Other models are transformational change and the classic Lewin's change model. The Lewin model is selected for a change initiative at a home health agency. Bibliography lists 10 sources dated 2004 – 2006.
Filename: KSmgmtChgTheo.rtf
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This 3-page paper focuses on ethical considerations and the human condition when it comes to change management. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTchangeet.rtf
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This 8-page paper discusses the process of change strategy and what corporations can expect when implementing it. Also discussed is the classic approach to developing and implementing a strategic plan. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTchastr.rtf
Change Management Decision Making
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A 10 page paper using Lewin's Force Field Analysis to assess a proposed change at HHH, a small home health agency. The proposed change appears to be a beneficial one that will yield positive results for several years. In the short term it allows HHH to operate more efficiently; in the long term the technological solution is scalable so that the change can be viewed as a permanent solution in HHH's next phase of growth. The change will be managed using Lewin's change model of incremental change. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtLewDec.rtf
Change Management for Behavioral Change
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A 15 page paper discussing implementation for behavioral change at a small home health agency where there is little communication or even interaction between field staff members and administrative support is stretched so thin that field staff requests go unanswered for long periods of time and even get lost. The change proposed is to use Lewin's change model to introduce IT changes that will facilitate greater communication and collaboration within the company. Bibliography lists 32 sources.
Filename: KSmgChgHHHbeh.rtf
Change Management in an Organization
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9 pages in length.
discusses change in the organization and techniques and methods
used to manage planned change. Leadership skills as regards to
change are emphasized. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: JGAchtec.wps
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This 9-page paper provides an example of change managment and knowledge management implementation (with specific examples referring to PricewaterhouseCooper's KnowledgeCurve intranet). The paper includes implementation of change management, communicating such implementation and the importance of knowledge management. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTpwccmg.rtf
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This 12-page paper examines change management by studying a case history of Tata Steel and how it managed change to better compete globally. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MTchmgcase.rtf
Change Models And Leadership
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A 4 page paper based on several article reviews. The essay responds to two questions, the first relates to a change model not included in the readings. Kotter's eight phases is briefly described. The rest of the paper reports the leadership skills identified or implied in the articles about change. Specific attention is paid to Theory E and Theory O and which leadership style could be adopted for each of these change theories. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGchn08.RTF
Change of Fortune at Apple Computer
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A 10 page paper discussing Apple's continuing story of management shortcomings. "Working 90 hours a week and loving it" was a common employee attitude even in 1990, but the years have not been kind to Apple. Market share (and revenues) continues to drop, and the company that should be maturing well now seems to be perpetually stuck in organizational adolescence without any intention of growing up. After running through four CEOs in as many years, the board even asked cofounder Steve Jobs to return as interim CEO. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Applec.wps
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