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Papers On Business - Management
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Creative Problem Solving in Business
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6 pages in length. In
business many times the only way to compete with the myriad
companies that are peers is through creativity. By being more
creative at problem solving than your competitor, it is possible
to come up with ideas and solutions that are far superior. But
how does one go about motivating the employee to think 'outside
of the box?' This indepth paper will look at ways to help
support a creative, thinking environment in business so that
employees can use their creativity to come up with new and
innovative ways to be a better company. Includes a review of
literature, the process of creative problem solving in business,
and personal applications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAcrprb.wps
Creativity in Advertising
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This 5 page paper explores recent changes in creativity in the advertising industry. Several advertising agencies are included in a discussion that looks at the changing state of media and creative forces. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA043adv.rtf
Creativity in Advertising
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Creativity in advertising sells more products. While some might believe this leads to ambiguity in the message being conveyed, the truth is that it takes a special hook to get people to pay attention to advertisements. This paper will focus on some of the ways creative advertising gets our attention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JAadvcrt.rtf
Creativity in the Workplace; Bureaucracies and Modern Structures
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This 4 page paper discusses the statement " modern organisational structures are just as limiting of creativity and discretion as bureaucracy ever was". The paper starts by looking at what a bureaucracy is, its features, strengths and main critiques and why bureaucracy still attractive to employees and managers. The paper then considers alterative structure how they may be more encouraging of creativity and the different barriers that are seen. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEcreatbur.rtf
Credit Analysis for The End Zone
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A 16 page paper with additional accompanying spreadsheets (9 pages), the purpose of which is to assess the company’s credit worthiness for two requested loans. The spreadsheets construct a 12-month pro forma cash budget for an upscale retailer, as well as an income statement, balance sheet and ratio analysis. The text portion includes some explanation of determinations for the pro forma cash budget and a summary report assessing the wisdom of extending the loans to the company. Recommendation is that the lender provide the company with all of the funds it requests, and in the form it requests. Spreadsheet data included as appendices; actual spreadsheets including formulas are available. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSfinEndZone.rtf
Credit in Ghana and the UK; Porters Five Forces Analysis
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This 10 page paper examines the credit provision and control in Ghana and the UK paying specific attention to the impact on small businesses, especially small retailers. This is examined using the framework of an in-depth Porters Five Forces model. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEghanaUKp.rtf
Crisis and Change
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This 12 page paper considers a company in crisis and how theories of change explain how changes occurred. The company chosen is Marks and Spencer, who lost sight of the market they were selling to, and had to make several changes before they managed to reverse the decline. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TECrimarks.rtf
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10 pages. This paper identifies issues related to crisis communication in the workplace. The case study is focused on a soft drink manufacturer that found several cases of tampering with its product. How the company handled this emergency and what actions were taken and not taken show us a lot about whether a company cares more about the customer or their own bottom line. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: JAcrisis.rtf
Crisis in the Global Coffee Market
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An 11 page paper discussing the decline of the global coffee industry during the decade of the 1990s. As the number of coffee producers increased when Vietnam entered the global coffee market, supply increased dramatically to drive down prices to the lowest seen in 30 years. Though the coffee grown in Vietnam was not the most desirable available, it was used to blend with higher quality coffee, driving down the price of the higher quality variety as well. This is an economic paper discussing perfect competition and the effect of cartel involvement on supply and demand. Includes 2 charts. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSeconCoffee.rtf
Crisis Management; Investigating Health Risks
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This 13 page paper examines a case study provided by the student. The first part the paper uses figures supplied to investigate the causes of illness in a workforce following a works barbeque. A link between illness and age is considered using a chi squared test. Then the different foods are examined to identify the source of the problem, demonstrating how correlation may not indicate causation. The second part of the paper looks at an ongoing situation where it appears there is a serious health risk to employees causing heart attacks. The paper outlines the steps that should be taken to investigate this risk and protect the employees.
Filename: TEcrisheal.rtf
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