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Papers On Business - Management
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Advantages and Disadvantages for Acme's development contracts
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A 5 page discussion/ case study discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different types of development contracts for both a customer, ACME Trucking Co., and to a software developer. Discussed are issues such as cost-plus contracting and fixed price contracting. No bibliography.
Filename: Acmecost.wps
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Building Learning Organization
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A 20 page paper. The first part of the paper identifies and discusses the five disciplines of the learning organization as described by Peter Senge. The second part of the paper discusses the strengths, weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of attempting to build a learning organization. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: PGlrnor2.rtf
Advantages and Disadvantages of Deregulating the US Postal Service
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This 6 page paper looks at the way in which the postal service maybe effected by deregulation. The paper considers the advantages, such as increased competition leading to better services and higher levels of efficiency and the disadvantages such as the reduction in the more rural or remote locations and the less commercially viable areas. The paper then goes on to argue that liberalization may be better than deregulation. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEpostal.wps
Advantages and Disadvantages of Practicing Corporate Social Responsibility
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A 13 page paper discussing business issues surrounding socially
responsible practices. Many business organizations have chosen to take active roles in the
communities in which they operate or to support their employees in nontraditional ways.
The issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has received greater attention with the
advent of intense globalization of business, but the concept itself is not a new one. The
paper lists advantages and many fewer disadvantages, concluding that adopting CSR
policies is good for business. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KScorpSocR.rtf
Advantages and Disadvantages of Project Management Programmes
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The use of project management software programmes, such as MS Project, is increasing in popularity. This 11 page paper loos at why this may be occurring by examined both the advantages and benefits of using this type of software as well as the potential disadvantages or weaknesses. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEprojsoft.rtf
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
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This 6 page paper considers how teams may give bring advantageous and benefits, but also how they may be costly when used incorrectly. The paper considers a range of team theories and then considers who they may be applicable in real life situations by a company. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Filename: TEadteam.rtf
Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Types of International Expansion
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This 10 page paper delves into a case study of a fictitious U.S. computer manufacturer that wants to expand to Western Europe. Several options are explored, inclusive of exporting and setting up a subsidiary in one or more countries. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: SA249exp.rtf
Advantages And Problems Of The Use Of E-Mail In Organizations
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A 5 page paper. Why have so many organizations adopted e-mail systems? This the question addressed. Clearly, e-mail has changed the way in which communication within organizations and between companies takes place. This paper discusses the benefits gained from using e-mail, such as faster communication, and also the potential problems with using e-mail, such as viruses being transmitted via attached documents. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGemal03.rtf
Advantages and Risks of Financial Globalization
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A 25 page paper discussing issues of trade, science and technology, environmental concerns and welfare in terms of financial risks inherent in participating in the globalization of business. There is risk in any business venture, and that element of risk can be greatly magnified by going into a foreign country as a site of operation. The 'word' of the 1990s has been that in order to grow, it is necessary to operate or at least sell product outside national home boundaries, but some corporate entities have found that not to be the case. The key is to fully and objectively assess the element of risk that does exist, and determine whether the organization is willing to accept that risk that is in existence now and that which could occur in the future. The paper uses as examples vignettes from China, Costa Rica, India, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Singapore and the US in discussing risks and economic sustainability. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: KSglFin.doc
Advantages of Doing Business Globally
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A 5 page paper on the advantages of doing business globally. The writers describes the various technical and non-technical reasons why this is a 'plus' for businesses. No Bibliography.
Filename: Globalbz.wps
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