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Papers On Business - Management
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Activity-Based Costing as a Control Measure for Bally Total Fitness
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A 6 page paper discussing the benefits of activity-based costing, specifically as a proposed financial control measure the Bally Total Fitness. The company’s revenues plunged in a single year; this paper is a white paper furnished to a group of consultants that wants to approach Bally with its ideas for assistance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSacctABCbally.rtf
Activity-Based vs Throughput Accounting
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A 4 page paper comparing activity-based and volume accounting. The throughput approach can provide a ballpark assessment of the costs of producing a specific product, but ABC can provide accurate cost figures of each of the steps of production. Volume accounting can be misleading in terms of identifying which products or activities are more profitable. ABC provides fuller, more accurate assessment of the true cost of activities, enabling the organization to focus on activities that truly are more profitable. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSacctABCthru.rtf
AcuScan, Inc. Case Study
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A 6 page paper based on a case study provided by the student. In this case, a company is trying to find a new product based on their technology, a retina scanning system, because revenues have been dropping. A new product for a new market has been suggested by two members of the management team but the manager of product development has refused to cooperate. The paper analyses the arguments made and offers recommendations to the CEO. No Bibliography.
Filename: PGacusc.rtf
Ad Analysis / Advertising Winn-Dixie's Marketplace Supermarket
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A 6 page paper analyzing a full page advertisement appearing in the October, 1998, issue of Southern Living. The paper discusses the marketer's use of image, including color, issues of class and gender and how their services can allow a 40-ish mom to study for her final while using Marketplace non-grocery services to keep her family from missing out on the other things she might otherwise be doing, including making dinner and a birthday cake. Every mother doing something besides mothering is concerned that she does the one without leaving the other undone. This advertisement reflects this stance in its images, and shows respect for those feelings and responsibilities, and does it all through an image that conveys upper-middle class comfort. No bibliography.
Filename: Winndix.wps
Ad Analysis – Martha Stewart Everyday Colors®
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A 6 page paper analyzing a full-page advertisement appearing in the August-September, 2003 issue of Budget Living magazine. The advertisement is for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia’s line of Martha Stewart brand paint colors. The paper assesses the advertisement for appropriateness for the audience and effectiveness in its message, concluding that it meets both conditions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSadvMarStew.rtf
ADA and the Hospitality Industry
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This 8 page paper looks at the Americans With Disabilities Act and how it affects the hospitality industry. ADA is defined. Cases related to various industries in the hospitality sector are provided. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA347hos.rtf
ADA's Impact on Human Resources Management
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This 6 page paper provides an overview of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act and its impact on HR departments. Hiring and firing practices, as well as record keeping procedures are discussed. How to avoid a lawsuit due to ADA is also an underlying theme of the paper. Some examples are provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA310ADA.rtf
ADA’s Effect on Small Business
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A 23 page paper discussing the effect that the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 has had on small business in costs of compliance. The law originated with good intentions and originally exempted very small businesses from needing to comply in any but the very broadest terms. Since then, however, other “disabilities” such as obesity have gained official recognition as disabilities, and activist groups have sued small business owners to force them into compliance despite the costs and despite lack of complaints by disabled customers or workers. The paper argues that the ADA as it applies to small business is oppressive and imposes undue burden on small businesses. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSadaSmBiz.rtf
Adding Value to the Organization
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An 11 page paper examining four approaches to adding value to the business. The purpose of the paper is to assess how globalization, product development, knowledge management and principled corporate governance add value to the organization, providing a discussion of each concept as well as several examples throughout the paper. Examples include Enron, ABB, Dow Chemical, Gillette and Wal-Mart. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtAddVal.rtf
Additional Information on Daimler Chrysler
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7 pages. Provides
current history of Daimler Chrysler as well as their current
marketing strategies and research and development projects.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAdcrys.wps
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