Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
Page 70 of 199
Donileen R. Loseke's "Thinking About Social Problems : An Introduction To Constructionist Perspectives" And Wilbur J. Scott's "The Politics Of Readjustment : Vietnam Veterans Since The War": Social Constructionism
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9 pages in length. When sociologists speak about social construction of reality, it can readily be argued that their meaning is attributed to the aftermath of man's action when associated with social conduct. The vast importance of this concept helps one to effectively determine what is to be expected in any given social situation. The writer discusses social constructionism as it relates to Loseke and Scott's books. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLClosek.wps
Downsizing's Effects on its Affected Households
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An 8 page paper. Even though two-income families can make the downsizing transition much easier than those without a significant second income, there are still substantial issues they will have to overcome. Some end up working in distant cities and conducting long-distance marriages; many more finally take jobs at an income far below their former one. Homes have been lost, retirement funds have been decimated to meet living expenses, and some have even taken to living on credit card cash advances for their immediate needs when they saw no alternative. Downsizing and layoffs all affect specific households, but not all those effects are "bad" ones. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Tight.wps
Dropping out of School & Its Causal Factors : ("Dropping Out
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A Look at How to Determine and Predict Factors that Lead to Deviance and Complete Failure in Education.") A 7 page study including literature review and bibliography listing 8 sources. Excellent for those studying education, sociology, and various aspects of psychology.
Filename: Dropouts.wps
Drug Testing
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The essence of community is a trust among the citizens
and a willingness to abide by the rules of governance. The issue of
drug testing raises a myriad of questions concerning the right to
privacy and autonomy by the individual in opposition to the good of the
social order. This 5 page paper argues that the issue of drug testing
goes beyond the consequences of a positive result: it undermines the
very concept of community and the essence of the Constitution. The
social ramifications, such as discriminatory policy, cost effectiveness,
false results and, or, safety and health are minor compared with the
philosophical ramifications. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KTdrgtst.wps
Drug Treatment Programs / Effectiveness
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A 15 page research paper that investigates the effectiveness of different drug treatment programs. Specifically, programs offered in some prisons as well as in outpatient clinics are compared. The writer hypothesizes that the 12-Step program is the most effective and makes comparisons of other programs with the 12-Step program. Statistics are provided for some programs. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Drugtrpr.wps
Drugs, Policy, and Society
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An 11 page analytical discussion of early legislative policy and how it compares to the contemporary war on drugs. Especially useful to those studying policy & planning, sociology, and/or public administration. Bibliography lists 14+ sources.
Filename: Drugpoli.wps
Drunk Driving Campaigns / How They Persuade People Not To Drink
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of current drunk driving campaigns and considers the use of persuasion and communication to impact individual choice. This paper also considers the techniques utilized and why they are important in reducing a propensity for drunk driving. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Drunkdri.wps
Dual Citizenship
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A 5 page paper discussing the debate surrounding this issue. In earlier days, all a naturalized American citizen had to do to lose his new American citizenship was to retain or renew legal nationality in another nation. That attitude has been changing in the last half of the past century. Each side of the debate has been clearly stated without effecting changes. The paper suggests that perhaps dual citizenship could be used as a tool in the continued globalization of business rather than as a point of division. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSdualCit.rtf
Dual Identity: African and American in the Early Twentieth Century
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6 pages. A critical analysis of the African American
plight in the early twentieth century shows us of the duality of
consciousness in which these people strove to make as one. While
trying to identify as Americans on the one hand, on the other
hand they encountered the haunting fact that to be black is to be
denied full access to American identity. The American ideologies
did not apply to these dual-identitied people and as such one
might find that this has oftentimes proven to be the case even
today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAtwnss.wps
Durkheim's Impact on Sociology
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This 7 page paper provides a look at the impact of sociological methods and studies used by Durkheim the classic work Suicide. Durkheim is seen as integral to the development of sociology. More recent methods employed to the concept of suicide are also discussed as are changes in methods in sociology. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA247Dur.rtf
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