Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Diagnosing and Labeling the Mentally Ill / 18th & 19th Century Views
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An in-depth 12 page research paper on how poorly the mentally-ill were treated during the 18th and w19th centuries when terms such as "loony" and "insane" were common. Some of the ridiculous ideas from those years pertaining to how mental illness was caused are explored as well (i.e., partying, masturbation, criminal activity, etc;). Key historic figures involved in mental health labeling are identified and the writer presents some of the more common atrocities known to be found in the asylums of yesteryear. Excellent analysis is provided. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Mentillh.wps
Differences Between Attitudes and Behaviors about Recycling
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This 3 page paper considers the difference between attitudes and behaviors when attempting to implement community recycling programs. This paper assesses the central reasons why behaviors do not correspond with the attitudes of a population when implementing these programs. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MHattrec.wps
Differences in the Battering of the Rich and Poor
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This 11 page paper demonstrates that the poor have a harder time getting help in abusive relationships. It also demonstrates there is more abuse in poorer areas in the United States. Culture is discussed along with the definition of deviance. Definitions of domestic violence are explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA110Dom .wps
Different Cultures, Different Expectations
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses why different expectations and value systems come about in different cultures; how one might clearly convey one's expectations when supervising work in a different culture that will have a different value system; and if a culture's independent specification be written. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCDifCl.rtf
Different Perspectives of Socialization within Society and The Development of the Concept of Self
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This is a 7 page paper discussing the different perspectives of socialization in society in relation to self-image and adaptation. Socialization for individuals within society takes place from different perspectives as members of society change their roles throughout their lives and must learn the different socialization tactics related to each new role they adopt. Children and adolescents learn from the failures and successes within the socialization process which helps them to adapt to new stressful situations in addition to developing their self-image. Success in the socialization process creates a positive self-image whereas failures in the socialization process may lead to negative self-image. In addition to members within society adapting to new roles, which also include joining organizational institutions which use a variety of socialization tactics for newcomers, people from other cultures also have to learn various tactics for socialization within their new society. Sociologists advocate that society has developed a great many inequalities in the divisions between groups which exist and depending on the success or failure of adaptation through socialization, newcomers in societies will also form concepts of their self-image which may or may not allow them to conform and cross societal divisions.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJSocex1.rtf
Disabled African American Males & Vocational Rehabilitation
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This 6 page paper discusses the barriers and obstacles that face a young disabled African American male in terms of vocational rehabilitation counseling. Data provide the proportion of black versus white disabled who are employed full-time. Alternatives for counseling interventions are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGdisblk.rtf
Disabled Veterans
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The culture of military life changes a person,
either enhancing their lives or bringing with it pain and suffering.
The same can be said of being disabled. This 6 page paper compares two
articles related to disabled veterans and explores the issue of post
traumatic stress disorder as well as cognitive behavioral therapy as a
treatment modality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KTdsbvet.wps
Discrimination Against Arabs Since September 11, 2001
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A 5 page paper that discusses the hate crimes against Arab Americans and others of Middle Eastern descent since the attack on America. There has been a huge backlash against these people, in terms of both physical and verbal assaults. The paper reports some of the incidents across the nation and the effect on these victims. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGarabat.wps
Discrimination in Historic Immigration and Naturalization
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A 6 page analysis of historic immigration and naturalization laws which were designed to ensure a white majority in the United States. The author of this paper contends that the shortcomings in our current laws and policies are, in reality, just a continuation of the same bias and discrimination which have been in place for generations. The 1790 immigration law was the first of the legal biases which were put in place to ensure a continued white majority in this country. This law was reaffirmed throughout our history with such cases as Ozawa vs. U.S. Supreme Court and Thind vs. U.S, Supreme Court which reaffirmed that only select races and cultures were allowed to become U.S, citizens. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPimigWh.rtf
Disliking Certain Foods: Nature Versus Nurture
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8 pages in length. Since the dawn of man, people have been eating a variety of foods in order to maintain nutritive balance. Ancient man sampled an assortment of berries, foliage and animal flesh as a means by which to obtain all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to give him energy. Of course, he had no idea at that time the importance – or even the existence – of nutritive value; rather, he just knew he had to eat to stay alive, and he chose foods that were pleasing to his palate. As time progressed and food choices continued to expanded, people began to eschew certain foods for having too much of a different taste; however, this attitude did not always come from a preconceived notion about that particular food's unappealing flavor. People are both taught and inherently opposed to disliking various foods, with culture, religion, health concerns and individual taste buds representing some of the most important influences upon the nature versus nurture aspect of disliking certain foods. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCFoodN.rtf
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