Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Culture, Stereotyping, & Monica Stone's "Nisei Daughter"
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An 8 page research paper on various sociological concepts concerning race, culture, power, stereotypes, etc; The writer defines relevant terms, provides examples, and then applies them to Stone's "Nesei Daughter"-- a narrative about the poor treatment of Japanese-American families during WWII. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Snisei2.wps
Culture: Disputation Over The Concept
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9 pages in length. While people may share various cultural traits, there are still both subtle and extreme differences that set one individual apart from another, ultimately establishing cultural differences. However, there are very basic cultural characteristics that bring every era and ethnicity together in relation to how people culturally interact with members of their own civilization, as well as those of other, lesser understood cultures. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCcltds.rtf
Culture: Meaning And Global Importance
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses the meaning of culture as well as its importance to international relations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCWhatC.rtf
Custodial Grandparenting (A Critical Review of the Literature)
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This 9 page paper evaluates six articles regarding the phenomenon. The trend where grandparents raise their grandchildren is discussed sociologically. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA012grn.wps
Dangers of Enforced Leisure
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A 5 page position paper agreeing with the concepts presented in
Steven Muller’s “Time to Kill” (The National Interest, Summer 1997), in which the author asserts that Europe’s perpetual high unemployment and business-constraining government regulations could in time destroy the fabric of the European culture. Both existing and emerging conditions “suggest that the outcome of large-scale enforced leisure will be a new form of social conflict in Europe” (Muller, 1997; p. 26). Muller’s (1997) thesis is startling and superficially can be rejected. Closer examination, however, reveals that his logic is sound and the future he envisions for all of the world’s most developed economies is one that is quite plausible and needs to be avoided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSEurForcedLeis.rtf
Dangers Of The Elderly Living Alone
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A 4 page paper that looks at two of the many dangers for the elderly living alone: heat and nutrition, with an emphasis on heat-related deaths. Of all natural weather conditions, including heat, tornadoes, hurricanes, lightening and floods, heat takes more lives each year than any of the others and seniors are especially affected. Another issue facing the elderly who live alone is proper nutrition. Both issues are discussed with statistical data, the emphasis is on heat-related deaths. Three alternative solutions are offered to eliminate the risks of both issues among the elderly. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGeldht.rtf
Daniel Rossides/Professions and Disciplines
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A 9 page research paper/book review that summarizes and analyzes Rossides' postmodern thesis on the nature of American culture. The writer argue that Rossides' book offers fresh insight into the relationship between societal forces. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: khrospro.rtf
Dating and Mate Selection in Turkey and the United States: The Decline of the Arranged Marriage
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A 5 page discussion of the cultural variations which exists between these two cultures in regard to dating and marriage. This paper analyzes the concept of family initiated or arranged marriages, noting that this was common in both the U.S. and Turkey during earlier years in history. The practice has practically died out now in the United States but is still a component of contemporary Turkish culture. Even Turkish tradition, however, is giving way to modern influences and ideologies in regard to the family. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPmrgTrk.rtf
Dating Norms Of College Students
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6 pages in length. The concept of dating in today's society bears myriad definitions depending upon the source; when understanding the meaning to college students, one can readily surmise that dating is often a diversion from studies, as well as a chance to explore one's sexual existence. Indeed, college is a time for fun, freedom and discovery where students are bombarded with an entirely new environment, overwhelming scholastic requirements and a significant need to expand their social horizons. Dating represents this latter demand to such a degree that the entire college experience is often believed to be little more than a constant social engagement. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCdatng.wps
David Harvey and Postmodernism
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A 7 page paper that discusses David Harvey's perspectives on postmodernity. This paper demonstrates Harvey's concern for the poltical and economic impacts of postmodernity, and suggests that his concern for Marxist principles impact his perceptions of the status of economics and politics in the United States. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Harvey.wps
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