Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
Page 63 of 199
David Lowenthal's "The Heritage Crusade And The Spoils Of History"
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5 pages in length. David Lowenthal's primary objective in "The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History" is to illustrate the inherent separation, as well as the inextricable cohesion, of heritage, history and contemporary society. The author strives to enlighten his readers to the inadequacies of conventional thought pertaining to heritage, noting that while heritage is, indeed, interwoven with history, it is also reinvented throughout modern-day society by way of new icons, such as Disney World and other pertinent symbols of the twentieth century. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCLowen.rtf
David Miller's On Nationality
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A 6 page paper discussing Miller's primary premise in this book,
which is that nationality provides a valid frame of reference for individuals. Arguments against
Miller's statements can be found in the reading of nearly every paragraph of the book, but none
hold up under great scrutiny. The only conclusion that can be made with expectation of being
valid is that Miller is correct in his position. The paper discusses US reaction to the attack on
Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the likelihood of Europe achieving the state of the European nation.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSnationMil.wps
David Sue On Counseling The Multiculturally Different
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A 7 page essay discussing the aspects of cross-cultural counseling emphasizing the work of David Sue. The area of multicultural counseling is one that is becoming increasingly more important in this country. The writer discusses specific areas in which changes may need to be considered.
Filename: Davidsue.wps
De Tocqueville & Mill/Liberty & Women
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A 5 page research paper that examines the ideas of Alexis De Tocqueville and John Stuart Mill regarding liberty, tyranny, and the proper role of women in society. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khdetjsm.rtf
Dealing with Prejudice in Society; A Literature Review
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This 5 page paper is a literature that considers relevant literature in how racism forms in society and how it may be reduced. Included are ideas such as cultural identity, Sherif's Robbers Cave study, social contact theory and many others. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEracsoc.rtf
Decision-Making and The Atomic Bomb:
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This 8 page paper discusses the different decision making models (according to Graham Allison) and attempts to apply these models to the U.S. decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. This paper provides much insight into the weeks and days prior to dropping the bomb in order to fully understand how the U.S. arrived at this decision. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: GSGraAll.rtf
Dedham, Massachusetts: Commitment to Community
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An 8 page paper
discussing the apparent atmosphere of a single community in this suburb of Boston. There are
public programs available, but they exist for the good of the entire town rather than for only a
minority segment of the population. Dedham appears not to have segregated itself into black,
white and Hispanic, but rather to have chosen to be a city in which the interests and needs of all
citizens - regardless of color or ethnicity - are addressed in the events within it.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSDedhamMA.wps
Deep Ecology Versus Social Ecology
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10 pages in length. Murray Bookchin and Bill Devall reside at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to the fundamental nature of ecological issues; while Bookchin supports the essence of social ecology, Devall espouses the benefits of its opposing counterpart, deep ecology. The two men have agreed to meet on this spring day within the wide, open spaces of the city park in order to debate the merits of each stance. Clearly, their objective is not to draw each other to the opposing side, but rather it is meant as a means by which to establish their individual positions so that no point is left unaddressed or question left unanswered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCecolg.wps
Defining Altruism:
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This 10 page paper discusses altruism in-depth, and furthermore presents many case scenarios. This paper explores such theories as The Bystander Effect and different perspectives on helping in order to fully understand altruism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: GSAltrui.rtf
Defining Sociology
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A 4 page paper arriving at a definition of sociology as the study of social order. It focuses on groups, but it also examines the behavior of individuals in a social context. Study of social conflict and social change are a part of sociology, but only as they apply to the study of social order. The paper examines divorce from both psychological and sociological perspectives. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSsocDefined.rtf
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