Papers On Poetry
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W.B. Yeats / Irish Nationalism As Reflected In 'Easter 1916'
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A 3 page essay that analyzes the poem in terms of the political climate of the time as well as the literary trends of the day. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Yeats.rtf
An Analysis Of Life And Art: Three Poems By Joy Harjo
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This 5 page paper considers two poems by writer Joy Harjo which relate her life as a Native American and demonstrate a number of the contemporary problems facing Native American communities. This paper reflects upon the poems as they are a product of Harjo's own life, and focuses on her poems Mourning Song, Northern Lights and The Dawn Appears with Butterflies. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Joyharjo.wps
Marge Piercy's 'Barbie Doll'
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A 3 page essay defending the title of Piercy's poem as an appropriate description of the manufacturing process of women she describes within the poem. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Barbdoll.wps
Marge Piercy's 'Rape'
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A 4 page paper on Piercy's poem entitled 'Rape.' The writer discusses the poem's meaning, relevance to Piercy's other works, and its psycho-emotional impact. Poetic technique, rhythm, symbolism, and intent are among the many other elements elaborated upon as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Piercy.wps
Seventeenth Century Poetry / Pleasure, Conflict & Time
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A 5 page paper examining three poems by John Donne, Robert Herrick, and Andrew Marvell, in terms of the presence or absence of overlapping themes. The paper concludes that while evidence exists that all three writers incorporated into their poems thoughts on pleasure and conflict, the most obvious similarity was an obsession with the passage of time. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: 17thpoet.rtf
Andrew Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress' / The Time is Now
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A 5 page essay exploring the issues of time and the role it plays in seduction in the Marvell poem. The writer ultimately concludes that the poem reminds us to seize our time on Earth for it will come to us only once. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Coymist.wps
Comparing Donne and Marvell
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A 7 page analysis of John Donne's 'The Flea,' and Andrew Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress.' Donne and Marvell were two of the seventeenth century's greatest poets. Men of profound thought, intellect, and understanding, they could also be witty, casual and yes‹lecherous. In their poems, both of these exemplary poets turn their formidable arts of persuasion toward the goal of convincing the women, to whom the poems are directed, to consent to sex. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 90seduce.rtf
Herrick's 'To Virgins, To Make Much of Time' & Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress / Love and Death
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A 5 page paper examining these dual issues as they are presented in Robert Herrick's 'To Virgins, To Make Much of Time' and Andrew Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress'. The paper observes that both these poets are haunted by the thought of the passage of time, and advocate finding pleasure in the here and now. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Herrmarv.wps
To His Coy Mistress / Seizing The Day
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5 pages in length. Every mother of every child has admonished the curse of time; if one does not take advantage of what comes one's way at the precise moment that it does, it is likely never to return again. By waiting and hoping one's life away, imagining things will be better with the addition of wealth or power, a person merely wishes time by. Thus is the message in Andrew Marvell's poem To His Coy Mistress, which speaks of the merits of seizing the day, rather than waiting until tomorrow to accomplish one's life dreams and goals. The writer discusses this concept as it relates to the poem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Miseize.wps
Use Of Logic To Seduce Women In John Donne's 'The Flea' And Andrew Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress'
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6 pages in length. It is a paltry attempt to employ the use of logic in both John Donne's The Flea and Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress; however, despite the lack of ingenuity on their parts, the men have somewhat successfully achieved this goal. Indeed, one must utilize a decent amount of logic in order to acquire the sexual favors of the opposite sex, particularly when the recipient is an unwitting participant. Attention from their less-than-willing partners is what both Donne and Marvell are trying very diligently to acquire, yet their efforts are constantly met with obstruction. The writer compares how both authors employ logic into their seduction techniques. No additional sources cited.
Filename: LogicSed.wps
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