Papers On Poetry
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William Blake's 'The Lamb' vs. 'The Tyger'
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A 4 page paper that posits that William Blake's 'The Lamb' and 'The Tyger' are songs that speak of choice. The choice is both for quality of life and choice for after-life, because if the choice is not made in the instant, it is too late. Making specific comparisons in the visual aesthetics created by the two poems, the writer makes the argument that the choice, according to Blake, is the choice between freedom in 'the Lamb' and enslavement by 'the Devil.' No additional sources cited.
Filename: Tigerlam.wps
William Blake's 'The Lamb' vs. 'The Tyger' / Symmetry
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A 4 page paper that posits that Blake knew what he was writing about in 'The Lamb' and 'The Tyger.' Although the Lamb is perceived as strictly the 'good path,' it is not the poem which speaks of symmetry. That information is provided in 'The Tyger.' This paper argues that while the message in 'The Lamb' may lead to God, so does the message in 'The Tyger.' Being creations of God, both the tiger and the lamb are necessary to individual progress. The true answer lies in balance, or symmetry.
Filename: lambtig
William Blake's 'Tiger, Tiger' -- Explained And Extended
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Sold as 3 pages. This file contains a creative attempt at poetic writing in which the writer adds approximately two verses to William Blake's 'Tiger, Tiger'-- keeping in sync with the original author's intent, meaning, and style. A short explication of the original poem & its meaning is also provided. No outside sources cited.
Filename: Tigerbla.wps
William Blake/Use of Opposition in his Poetry
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A 5 page analysis of the poetry of the eighteenth century poet, William Blake. The writer demonstrates how Blake's belief that opposition or 'contrary' forces promoted growth was an underlying metaphor in his work. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: 90blake.rtf
Cultural Influences on Eliot’s “Waste Land”
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A ten page paper looking at T.S. Eliot’s famous 1922 poems in terms of some of the socio-political, scientific, and aesthetic influences that grounded it, as well as its later legacy. Specific works discussed include: Eliot’s essay “Tradition and the Individual Talent,” his poem “Gerontion,” Habermas’ “Modernity’s Consciousness of Time and its Need for Self-Reassurance,” Neitzsche’s “On the Genealogy of Morals,” Camus’ “The Stranger,” Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness,” and Freud’s “Civilization and its Discontents”. Bibliography lists nine sources.
Filename: KBmoder2.wps
Jean Toomer's 'Bona and Paul'
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A 5 page paper that describes the significance of color in Jean Toomer's story. This paper demonstrates that Toomer uses different colors, especially reds and purples, to delineate between racial considerations, while at the same time basing many of the concepts of ethnicity and interracial relationships on the color determinations in the work. No additional sources are cited.
Filename: Bonapaul.wps
Jean Toomer's 'Reapers'
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A 5 page analysis of Jean Toomer's imagery-laden, eight-line poem. The paper centers on the author's use of the color black for relating the color of death, of fear, and of life for the people of his race during the time in which he wrote. The reapers work in silence, methodically and mindlessly cutting down one at a time, as black people were so often treated in the hundred years between the end of the Civil War and the Civil Rights activities of the 1960s. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Reapers.wps
Henry David Thoreau's Thoughts On The Current Walden Pond Developments
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4 pages in length. What would Henry David Thoreau think about what has happened with his treasured Walden Pond? It can be argued that his reaction to humanity's blatant disregard for its inherent beauty would be less than enthusiastic. The passing years have been a struggle for Walden Pond's very existence: Celebrities and common folk near and far have shown their support in preserving what Thoreau considered one of the most exquisite points in the entire world. The writer considers what Thoreau might say if he were here to witness Walden Pond Developments. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: WaldenPn.wps
The Poetry of Misery
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A 6 page analysis of six poems: Arnold's 'Dover Beach,' Auden's 'Musee des Beaux Arts,' Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan,' Brooke's 'The Soldier,' Shelly's 'Song to the Men of England,' and Wordsworth's 'The world is too much with us.' The writer argues that all six portray the ability of poetry to relate the dark side of human existence, This aspect of poetry is particularly evident beginning with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. The drastic changes that accompanied the transformation from economies that were primarily agrarian to the industrialized world we know today caused considerable psychic stress and a generous portion of human misery. Poets, over the last two centuries, have addressed this topic. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 996poems.rtf
Coleridge vs. Wordsworth / Philosophy vs. Imagination
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An 8 page paper comparing and contrasting the styles and philosophies of these two early nineteenth-century poets. The paper uses as examples Wordsworth's 'Ode on the Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood' and Coleridge's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner' , and concludes that whereas Wordsworth's poetry is philosophy in verse, Coleridge gives us images we can see and feel. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: Cwpoem.rtf
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