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Papers On Poetry
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Federico Garcia Lorca / His Poetry and Life
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A 7 page paper discussing the works of this twentieth century Spanish poet. The paper gives a short description of his life, then discusses two of his poems in depth, showing how they expressed his feelings in a unique and impressionistic way. Poems are included at end of paper. Bibliography included.
Filename: Lorca.wps

Langston Hughes' 'Dream Deferred'
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A 1 page analysis of Hughes' infamous poem entitled 'What Happens to a Dream Deferred ?' (a.k.a. Harlem). The writer discusses the meaning behind this poem and its unavoidable sociopolitical context. Specifically examined is what the poet meant by the dream itself. No Bibliography.
Filename: Poemdre.wps

Milton and Lanyer and The Fall of Man
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A 2 page paper contrasting John Milton’s Book IX of “Paradise Lost” with Amelia Lanyer’s “Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum”. The paper notes that while Milton places the blame for the Fall of Man on Eve’s shoulders, and Lanyer attempts to deflect it back onto Adam, it is Milton who has the stronger argument.
Filename: KBmilt2.wps

Sappho and the Female Relationship
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A 2 page paper looking at Sappho’s poems in terms of her evocation of the powerful bonds between women. Sappho shows that the love that exists between best friends of the same sex is just as strong, just as powerful, as the love that exists between the more traditional pairings such as husband and wife, or mother and child, and it was for this reason that her poetry was censored, and has nearly disappeared. No sources.
Filename: KBsappho.wps

Derek Walcott's 'Omeros' vs. Homer's 'Iliad' / Brothers In Verse
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A 5 page paper comparing Derek Walcott's poem 'Omeros' to Homer's works, particularly the Iliad, and comparing Homer himself to Walcott's personification of him, the blind fisherman Seven Seas. The paper concludes that both personas exhibit an extraordinary greatness of spirit, and show that even ordinary men can be heroes. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: Omeros.wps

The Poetry Of Thomas Hardy / Art Imitates Life
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This 6 page paper examines how the life of author Thomas Hardy influenced his poetry. Illustrative examples from several of Hardy's poems are provided to support the writer's thesis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Thardy2.rtf

Thomas Hardy's 'The Darkling Thrush'
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A 6 page explication of Thomas Hardy's unusually uplifting poem. The paper analyzes the significance of the date when the poem was written -- December 31, at the precise turn of the century -- and shows how the poet's invocation of nature challenges both the mechanization and the aestheticism of the late Victorian age. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Darkthru.wps

Whitman, Hardy, & Moss / Personification Of Objects
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A 5 page analysis of three poems that personify objects or objectify humans. The writer examines Walt Whitman's 'To A Locomotive In Winter,' Thomas Hardy's 'The Work Box,' & Howard Moss' 'Pruned Tree.' No additional sources cited.
Filename: Poems3.rtf

Gwendolyn Brooks' 'Kitchenette Building' / Meter
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A 5 page paper on Gwendolyn Brooks' short poem, looking at the tone, dramatic situation, and particularly the meter. The paper asserts that Brooks uses meter to emphasize the poem's point: that traditional poetic techniques, as both styles and as viewpoints, are an inappropriate mode of expression to those who are cut off from the romantic world. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Brookit.wps

Goethe & Wordsworth / Two Views of the Poet
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An 8 page paper comparing the way artistic souls are portrayed in Wordsworth's long poem The Prelude and Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther. The paper shows that during the Romantic era, two very different views of the poet developed: the poet as prophet and interpreter of society, and the poet as tortured soul, and the different types are perfectly epitomized in these poems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Poetwo.wps

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