Papers On Poetry
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Sylvia Plath's 'Mirror' / Imagery
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The use of a mirror as illusion/allusion in poetry is compelling, to say the least. The most obvious use of the imagery of the mirror is that it is a reflection of the author. A search in a mirror is ultimately a search for the self. The image that is important is that of the woman, not the child whose innocence has drowned in the depths of the lake; nor the old woman who is like a terrible fish. Most people have the desire to reminisce about the past and, or speculate on the future. It is important. This 4 page paper explores the multiple meanings of the imagery presented by Sylvia Plath in the poem, 'Mirror.' No additional sources cited.
Filename: Mirror.wps
Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar' / Violence & The Father
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A 6 page paper on the strange mixture of violence and sexuality in the autobiographical novel by Sylvia Plath. The paper asserts that Plath was haunted all her life by the fantasy of rejoining her dead father, and unfortunately, it would take violence to do this. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: Platjar.wps
Routine Transcendent
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Daily routines are the salt and flowers of life, according to Tom Wayman’s philosophy, and his poem “Routines,” focuses on the “salt,” or negative side of that daily existence. Wayman uses the experience of performing manual labour to make a point in his academic work, so that everyone knows the difference between what is academic and what is the real world of working people. He sees the definition of this difference as extremely relevant to the pursuit of a professional degree, so that students understand the necessity and inevitability of work. Beyond that, it is Wayman’s personal mission to bring the two into alignment, to make the mysterious and dreamy world of academics heed reality for the overall purpose of modifying the stark reality of the workaday world – to make it better. This done, the world will evolve and become a planet on which its residents will want to work. In other words, “routine” could become a positive. Bibliography lists 3 sources. jvWayman.rtf
Filename: jvWayman.rtf
A Lament and A Complaint: Comparing the Style of Shelley and Wordsworth
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A 5
page paper which discusses the different poetic styles of romantic poets Shelley and
Wordsworth. The poems are, respectively, 'A Lament' and 'A Complaint.' No additional
sources cited.
Filename: RAlament.wps
Blake’s “Marriage of Heaven and Hell” and Shelley’s “Prometheus Unbound”
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A seven page paper looking at these two works in terms of the way their respective authors, William Blake and Percy Bysshe Shelley, define love. The paper concludes that although their approaches are very different, both poets seem to feel that love is a great healer, and that seeming opposites can be reconciled through its power. No additional sources.
Filename: KBblake.rtf
Percy Bysshe Shelley / Critical Assessments
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A 6 page paper examining the change in critics' views of Shelley's work from his own day to ours. It looks particularly at the style and subject matter of five poems, in an effort to discover what critics of the first few decades of this century found so objectionable about Shelley in particular and the Romantics in general. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Shelleyp.rtf
Shelley and Wordsworth: A Discussion of “Mutibility” and “Mont Blanc”
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A 6 page discussion regarding three poems written in the early part of the nineteenth century: Shelley’s “Mutibility” and “Mont Blanc” and Wordsworth’s “Mutibility”. Contrasts Wordsworth faith in religion and Shelley’s faith in self and nature. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPshelle.rtf
Shelley’s “Alastor”
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A five page paper looking at Percy Bysshe Shelley’s long poem from a feminist perspective. The paper charges that the poem’s vision of womanhood is really less a representation of a flesh-and-blood woman than an idealized feminine version of Shelley himself. No additional sources.
Filename: KBalast.wps
The Theme of Nature in Romantic-Era Poetry
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A 4 page paper discussing poetry of the Romantic period. The writer focuses upon the importance of nature in the poetry of this time, particularly the works of Shelley, Keats, and Blake. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Romantic.rtf
The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
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A 6 page paper discussing an overview of Shelley's work and how his work reflected his personal beliefs and the conditions of society. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Shellp.wps
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