Papers On Poetry
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Walt Whitman's Contribution to American Poetry
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A five page look at this seminal nineteenth-century poet. The paper analyzes the reason Whitman is considered the first modern American poet, and what characteristics make him so quintessentially American. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: KBwhitm4.wps
Walt Whitman's War Poetry
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A 6 page essay which examines how 'Drum-Taps,' a slim volume of poetry concerning the American Civil War by Whitman, reflected the historical situation of that time. The writer argues that Whitman's poetry reflects an evolution of consciousness that reveals that emotions experienced by the American public as it goes from a patriotic war fever to a realization of the horror and reality of war. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Whitwar.wps
Whitman & Ginsberg
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A 5 page paper discussing two separate poems by Whitman and Ginsberg. The first poem is Walt Whitman's 'Song of Myself,' and the second poem is Alan Ginsberg's 'Howl.' The poems are discussed in relationship to their depiction of individuality and freedom. Both poets depict their subjects in different ways, while still maintaining similarities. Both see these issues as illustrating the connected nature of humanity, whether spiritually or not. One speaks of hopelessness and the other or beauty and God. Each also speaks of these issues in ways that have been, and always will be, thought of for people will always continue to have hope or the lack of it. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Whitgins.wps
Whitman's 'Song of Myself' vs. Tennyson's 'The Lady of Shallot'
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A 6 page essay that compares and contrasts the works of Walter Whitman and Alfred Tennyson focusing particularly on 'Songs of Myself' and 'The Lady of Shallot.' Also discussed are the reviews at the time, i.e., 1855, in contrast to the modern reviews of these two great poets' works. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Whitenny.wps
Whitman's 'Song of Myself'vs. Ginsberg's 'Howl'
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A 5 page paper that addresses the individual expectations of each of the authors with regard to these works, their personal experience, and how each saw his solution to the complexity and ambiguity in his personal existence in a nation in which it has become increasingly difficult to find a coherent ideology or ethnic identity. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Whitman.wps
Whitman’s “Noiseless Patient Spider”
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A 5 page paper on this poem by Walt Whitman, in the broader context of Whitman’s life and work. The paper observes that Whitman believed that our unique ability as Americans to use our creativity to reach out to one another -- like a spider spinning its web -- was both our defining characteristic and our salvation. Bibliography lists four sources (attached).
Filename: KBwhitm.wps
Whitman’s “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”
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A five-page paper analyzing Walt Whitman’s poem in terms of its relationship to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The paper looks carefully at symbolism and imagery, concluding that Whitman uses his poetic art to help him work through his shock and grief. No additional sources.
Filename: KBlilacs.wps
In Memory Of W. B. Yeats
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5 pages in length. Wystan Hugh Auden has a most curious use of style within his many works. The manner by which he utilizes rhyme leaves the reader to interpret more than just the author's obvious implications. As well, while his sometimes-morbid creations can plunge one into the depths of the poem's intended despair, they are ripe with artistry and illusion. To illustrate these points, the writer will discuss one of Auden's most popular pieces, In Memory of W. B. Yeats. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Memyeats.wps
The Sacred & The Profane In Wallace Stevens' 'Sunday Morning'
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A 3 page explication of Wallace Stevens' famous long poem. It presents the difficulties inherent in a deistic view of the sacred, but stops short of advocating a truly Christian vision; in fact, it ends by advocating no vision at all. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Stevens.wps
Wallace Stevens' 'The Rock' / Reality, Illusion, & Imagination
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A 6 page paper analyzing Stevens' poem in terms of the way it deals with alternate modes of reality. The paper particularly concentrates on how 'The Rock' uses metaphor to emphasize the metaphysical nature of existence. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: Therock.wps
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