Papers On Philosophy
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Ethics And Faith
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5 pages in length. Kierkegaard took issue with Hegel's theory of faith and ethics, which proved to spark one of the most profound of history's philosophical debates. In exact opposition to this theory, Kierkegaard attacks Hegel's presumptuous attitude that humanity can, in fact, consider itself a superior entity over that of God's existence. Perhaps Kierkegaard was more astounded by Hegel's sheer audacity to assert that God's superiority was only as significant as when it existed in the concept of faith, as opposed to the outright condemnation of such a theory. Regardless of his motivation, Kierkegaard regarded Hegel's
philosophy of faith and ethics to be truly erroneous, which he unabashedly addressed in his book entitled "Fear and Trembling." No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCfaith.wps
Ethics And Morality
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5 pages in length. What, if any, moral and ethical obligation is humanity under within the scope of existence? The writer discusses this topic with references to Kant, Scheler, Williams and DeBeauvoir. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCethmr.wps
Ethics and Morality according to Aristotle in the Legal Defense of a Guilty Man
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This 10 page report discusses issues of ethics and morality from the perspective of Aristotle. The situation is one in which an attorney’s client confides that he is actually guilty of the crimes of which he is accused. What, according to Aristotle, is the ethical dilemma and how should it be solved? Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWethleg.rtf
Ethics of the New Millennium; Happiness in the Twenty-First Century
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This 3 page paper considers the subject of happiness as portrayed in the book 'Ethics of the New Millennium' by the Dalai Lama. Considering issues such as what is meant by happiness the paper discusses how the Dalai lama considers we may attain this as individuals and as a society in a moral and ethical manner. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEhapnes.wps
Euthyphro, Crito, and Socrates
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This 7 page report discusses the
accusations made against Socrates and his discussions with both
Euthyphro and Crito regarding the various issues at hand. The
discussions that take place between Plato and the other two men
allow the modern reader a greater insight to the character of
Socrates and the issues that surrounded him and his trial.
Different views of Socrates are presented that allow one to
better understand the overall philosophical thinking of Socrates.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWeucrso.
Euthyphro, Crito, and Socrates
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This 8 page report discusses the
accusations made against Socrates and his discussions with both
Euthyphro and Crito regarding the various issues at hand. The
discussions that take place between Plato and the other two men
allow the modern reader a greater insight to the character of
Socrates and the issues that surrounded him and his trial.
Different views of Socrates are presented that allow one to
better understand the overall philosophical thinking of Socrates.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWeucrs2.wps
Existential Phenomenology
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This 5 page paper defines the concept and goes on to elaborate by exploring humanness and psychology. The separate areas of existentialism and phenomenology are also explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA051Ext.wps
Existentialism & The Ultimate Concerns
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A 5 page paper that discusses the key concepts of existentialism and the ultimate concerns as identified by Yalom. These are applied to the high risk sport of mountaineering. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGexult.wps
Existentialism and Human Emotions
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4 pages. When considering
whether Sartre is correct in the conclusions he draws from his
discussions of anguish and forlorness, it is necessary to first
understand what he is explaining when he talks about
existentialism. The heart of existentialism is captured by the
slogan 'existence precedes essence'. The paper discusses
Sartre's use of anguish and forlorness in his essay on human
Filename: JGAemotn.wps
Existentialism: Sartre and "Taxi Driver"
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A 5 page paper which discusses Sartre's
"Nausea" as it involves existentialism and then presents an examination of the film "Taxi
Driver" as it applies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAsartrtx.wps
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