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Papers On Philosophy
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Ontological And Epistemological Underpinnings Of The Heideggerean Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research Approach
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15 pages in length. The ontological and epistemological underpinnings of the Heideggerean Hermeneutic Phenomenological research approach address the aspects of knowledge and interpretation as they directly relate to the concepts of existence and meaning. Considered to be an artful form of understanding, hermeneutics was derived from the Greek verb, hermeneueuein, 'to interpret,' and from the noun, hermeneia, or 'interpretation'. Hermeneutics, which pertains to the aspect of uncovering hidden meanings, is categorized as a method of textual analysis- that focuses upon the sociocultural and historic influences on inquiry. It is important to understand that there exist myriad philosophies by which people live their lives. These philosophies help maintain order and a sense of direction that otherwise would merely drift in subconscious thought, which also helps to apply a modicum of understanding to the concept of meaning. When ontological and epistemological underpinnings of Heideggerean Hermeneutic Phenomenological research approach are discussed, they are focused upon the interpretation of life, language and humanity's place within it all. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: TLCheide.wps

Origin of the Universe
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This 5 page paper looks at Michio Kaku's theories on the origin of the universe and why they are so important.The subject is discussed philosophically in terms of why man needs to know how the universe began. Hawking is quoted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Uniorig.wps

Overdetermination And The Marxist Concept Of Class
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The concept of overdetermination emanates from such diverse theories as Descartes' dualistic approach and Marx's thoughts on the division of labor. This 7 page paper explores the theory of overdetermination and argues that class, according to overdetermination, was considered to be one of many parts but not the totality of the Marxist view. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KTovrdet.wps

Pascal's Wager
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A 5 page paper which discusses Pascal's Wager. The paper provides a general overview of his wager, a brief illustration of Pascal himself, and then discusses two aspects of the wager, presenting possible flaws in his theories. Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Filename: RApascalwgr.wps

Passing the Peace: A Comparison of King, Gandhi and Thoreau
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This 5 page paper looks at the teachings of Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Henry David Thoreau. Differences and similarities between the three are noted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA042KGT.wps

PBS Series/ "For the Love of Wisdom"
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A 4 page summation and analysis of 2 segment of the PBS video series, "For the Love of Wisdom"—"Reason or the Senses" and "Expanding the Moral Universe." The writer discusses the general content of each 30 min. video and how it fits into the general overall scheme of philosophical investigation. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 99re&mo.wps

Personal Responsibility and the Philosophers
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A 5 page paper discussing whether individuals are personally responsible for their own actions or whether they can excuse their actions as being the result of childhood pressures, societal problems or other negative influences. The paper uses the views of Plato and Descartes, particularly their views of the nature of the soul and the mind to argue that yes, individuals are responsible for their own actions and choices. Experiences can color those choices, but everyone has a choice between right and wrong, and that determination does not rest on the individual's life history. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSpersRespon.wps

Perspective Narrative in Camus' The Outsider
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( 8 pp.) The philosophy of The Outsider (1942) is a philosophy of the absurd. The narrator of the piece is a middle-class bachelor, Monsieur Meursault; we are told that he is viewed as someone of little if any consequence. And the amazing bit of news is that he doesn't care how he is viewed at all, because all of society is absurd, and he is just a small piece of it. So what one does - is simply what one does, as Meursault really does have a "benign indifference of the universe." This discussion will examine how the narrator, Meursault, aka Camus, gets that message across.
Filename: BBcamus.doc

Perspectives on Philosophy
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This nine page paper is in two parts. The first looks at the contradictions between philosophy, myth and religion to examine whether these contradictions are real or just common misconceptions. The second part of the paper looks to the early philosophers and considers the way in which they consider the contradictions in philosophy such as the use of the four elements. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TErelphi.wps

Philosophers Who Believe
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(5 pp) It has historically been the perception that faith in religion falls into the region of "the simple," or "the pure," or even "the uneducated." This is hardly the case any longer, as Clark looks at the stated belief systems of eleven of the United States top philosophical minds in his 1997 book, Philosophers Who Believe. In this discussion we will look at three of those philosophers in comparison to the nature of faith and the nature of philosophy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBchrphl.doc

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