Papers On Philosophy
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Hobbs and Rousseau in the Neighborhood.
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(5 pp) Our assigned role is to consider the
individual and how he best functions in a
community. In doing that we will be looking at an
equal relationship of the community and the
individual, in that one does not bare more of the
load of work than the other. Our points of
reference will be the philosophers Rousseau and
Hobbes. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: BBhbsrou.doc
Hobbs, Locke & Divisibilty.
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(5 pp) Through prolific writings on subjects
including optics, philosophy and social theory,
the "Hobbsean system" emerges as a coherent and
comprehensive world view grounded in the distinct
understanding of philosophy as physics. The world
according to Hobbes is a world in which all
spheres of activity are governed and explained
through mechanical principles and where the primary
task of philosophy is to understand the chain of
cause and effect through which all phenomena
emerge (Foutz ppg).Locke on the other hand,
believes each human starts with a mental blank
slate, and then adds to it through their knowledge
and experience. Our question of discussion is how
these two relate to divisibility.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BBdivisi.doc
How And Why Does 'Culture' Use 'Nature' To Represent Itself To Itself?
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8 pages in length. Culture and nature are inextricably intertwined, which provides the reason behind the way in which culture uses nature to represent itself to itself. Mankind has developed a bad habit over recent years in separating himself from the world around him, namely nature and the environment. This individualist and selfish approach to one's existence is both myopic and faulty, speaking volumes about contemporary humanity's inability to appreciate the intrinsic relationship every entity – living or otherwise – has with all other life. Ancient cultures fully understood and accepted this truth and duly worshipped those spiritual entities that resided within such living and inanimate objects as animals, trees, streams, and every other aspect of nature. Even though many populations still look upon the relationship between culture and nature as a synergistic force in their existence, mankind of today does not truly realize the intimate association these two entities have with each other. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCCulNa.rtf
How Aristotle's "The Aim of Man" Relates to Society Today
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A 5 page paper which
examines Aristotle's "The Aim of Man" and discusses how his ideas relate to society
today. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAaimoman.wps
How Can the Mind Have Knowledge
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This 5 page report discusses the problem of understanding how the mind can have knowledge of the world. The philosophical and scientific writing of W.V. Quine, Laurence BonJour, and Immanuel Kant are considered. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWmindno.rtf
Hsun Tzu and Thomas Hobbes on Human Nature
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This 8 page paper provides an overview of the views of Thomas Hobbes and Hsun Tzu as they relate to the concept of human nature and assessments of man's role within society. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHHobTzu.wps
Human Nature -- Comparing Machiavelli and Hobbes
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This 10 page
essay discusses the author’s perspectives regarding the thinking
of Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), Italian historian, statesman,
and political philosopher, and Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), English
philosopher and political theorist, shared one distinct
similarity . . . they and their theories were generally viewed
with mistrust and hostility. What becomes clear when reading
their works and considering the implications of those works from
a 21st century point of view is how much humanity has not changed
throughout the centuries. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWnathum.wps
Human Nature According to Aristotle and Plato -- How do Their
Theories Fit in Modern U.S. Culture?
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This 5 page report
discusses the philosophy and scholarship of Plato and Aristotle,
two of the leading ancient figures who were instrumental in the
development of human thinking and an awareness of what
constitutes the basics of human nature. Specific issues regarding
gender equality and how the two ancients’ philosophies can be
applied to contemporary America are addressed. Bibliography lists
5 sources.
Filename: BWnathu.wps
Human Nature and the "Perspectives of the
Individual," (course evaluation)
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(3pp) Human nature is compared and contrasted in
the works of Gilgamesh and Elie Wiesel.
Comments are made concerning the readings of this
class; personal remarks are made.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BBhnat.doc.
Human Nature: Plato And The Five Dialogues
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6 pages in length. Is it possible, according to Plato's viewpoint, for human nature to be 'released from forms' and still be considered human nature according to the five dialogues between Socrates, Crito, Meno, Phaedo and Euthyphro? In assessing this plausibility, one must first harbor a distinct understanding of just what human nature represents in relation to man's actions. It has long been
postulated that human nature is bound by defense mechanisms as a means by which to hide from the truth of reality. If this is so, then most any conduct in which humanity partakes is nothing more than an act of escapism. Is that to say, then, that human nature is bound by the weakness of man's
character? Can individualism reside at the crux of why human nature cannot be released from form and still be construed as human nature based upon conversations with Socrates, Crito, Meno, Phaedo and Euthyphro? Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLChmnat.rtf
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