Papers On Philosophy
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A Philosophical Exploration of Identity in the Novel
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This 5 page paper focuses on Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders and looks at the issue of identity. The ideas of Hume and Locke are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA206idy.rtf
A Philosophical Look at Drug Testing
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This 2 page paper examines the problem that comes with drug testing as it respects different types of employees and people in general. How one examines this problem depends upon one's individual philosophy. Kantian ethics and utilitarianism are positions discussed. No bibliography.
Filename: SA423one.rtf
A Philosophical Look at the Dax Cowart Case
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This 7 page paper looks at this famous case that champions the right to die. The case involves a man who wanted to die, but was not allowed to, and continues to contend that his pain was not worth living through. Utilitarianism and Kantian ethics are used as models to evaluate the case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA209Dax.rtf
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This 5 page paper compares Plato's Allegory of the Cave to the movie, The Matrix. Emphasis is placed on the question: Do noble likes enchain the soul? Specific examples given from The Matrix and Plato's Cave. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBmatrix.rtf
A Philosophical View of the Modern World
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This 5 page paper considers the way in which a newspaper report explain events can be seen in terms of philosophical meaning. The position of Pakistan after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre is considered in a New York Times article, that draws attention to the role of personal and state responsibility. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEtalban.wps
A position argument for an academic audience
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A paper which sets out the structure and format to be followed when writing a position paper for an academic audience, including Aristotle's three elements of rhetoric. The example chosen for the position paper is the deregulation of the Internet, in the context of censorship and free speech. Bibliography lists 5 sources
Filename: JLargconr.rtf
A Resolution for the Mind-Body Problem
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This 5 page paper examines the philosophical problem and provides a solution. The solution is evaluated and the other side taken as well. The mind-body problem is defined. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA348mbp.rtf
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This 5 page paper discusses the observation by the Underground Man about mankind's penchant for seeking out suffering. Examples from literature are used to support this thesis. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MBugndman.rtf
A Response to Thoreau: “Conscious Endeavor”
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This 3 page paper responds to one of Thoreau’s quotes: “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: HVRspTho.rtf
A Successful Life
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A 5 page essay that takes the form of message to a child or grandchild on their twenty-first birthday, which outlines the writer's philosophy on what constitutes a successful life. No bibliography is provided.
Filename: khsuclif.rtf
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