Papers On Philosophy
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Albert Camus/Reflections on his Philosophy
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A 5 page research paper that offers a general introduction into Camus' view on life using his works The Myth of Sisyphus and The Stranger. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khcamus.rtf
Albert Camus’ “Le Renegat”
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This 3 page report briefly discusses
Albert Camus (1913–60) and his essay “Le Renegat.” His opinion
that that the human condition is fundamentally absurd led to his
being categorized with the existentialists, but he vigorously
denied and loyalty to that group; his works express what can be
thought of as a courageous and compassionate humanism. Camus was
awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. No other sources.
Filename: BWrenegt.wps
Alexis de Tocqueville: Intellect and Social Life in “Democracy in America”
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A 6
page paper which examines how Tocqueville sees the influence of democracy upon
social and intellectual life in “Democracy in America.” No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAtocq1.rtf
Alienation and Liberty in JS Mill and Karl Marx
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A five page paper which considers the similarities and differences between Marx’s concept of alienation and Mill’s perspective of the freedom of the individual in relation to the preservation of social values.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JLmillmarx.wps
Althusser's Notion of Ideology:
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This 5 page paper discusses Althusser and his ideas about the media, Marxism, class struggle and more. This paper highlights the limitations of his arguments as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: GSAlthus.rtf
Alzheimer's Test: Opportunity Or Curse?
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5 pages in length. Fred's dilemma stems from a twofold concern: a) self-preservation and b) looking out for his children. When applying the utilitarian theory, the student can readily understand how Fred's decision should be for taking the test on the chance that he may have the gene and can benefit his progeny, as well as the rest of society, by taking part in the experimental medications. Utilitarianism represents the belief that what serves the greatest number serves the greater good, rather than what is favorable for a few; indeed, this has a great deal to do with the idea of sacrificing a lesser being for the better of the superior being. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCAlzTs.rtf
An Analysis of Hume's "Miracles" Essay:
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This 4 page paper explores the basic ideas in Hume's "Miracles" essay and theoretically addresses how Hume might respond to psychic John Edwards. This paper presents the reasons why Hume would not support the work of Edwards based upon his philosophical ideology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: GSHumirc.rtf
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This paper probes the position of the ethics of Immanuel Kant, the German philosopher. The paper examines some of Kant's theories as they pertain to morals and ethics (such as those found in the Categorical Imperative) and attempts to tie modern-day examples to Kant's writings. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTkantet.rtf
An Analysis of Rousseau's Autobiography:
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This 15 page paper discusses "Confessions", which is Jean Jacque Rousseau's autobiography. This paper discusses what this writer was attempting to say about the self and includes quotes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: GSJeanJa.rtf
An Analysis of the Article "Letting Handicapped Babies Die":
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This 5 page paper is an analysis of the views of Peter Singer and Helga Kuhse who believe that babies who are born with certain handicaps and/or disabilities should be able to be put to death up to 28 days after being born. This is a philosophy paper and refelcts both the opinions of these philosophers as well as opinions of the author of the paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: GSBabies.rtf
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