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Papers On Philosophy
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A Comparison Between Wollstonecraft and Mill's Ideas about the Emancipation of Women
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This 9 page paper examines the theories of Wollstonecraft and Mill and their ideas about society. There is a focus on how women are viewed in society and the context of the family. Ideas are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA348fe.rtf
A Comparison of Plato and Aristotle’s Ideas on Society
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This 5 page paper compares Plato’s and Aristotle’s conceptions of the best kind of political society and critically examines the assumptions on which these views rest. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEaristp.rtf
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This 15 page paper discusses the contrasting views of Plato and Aristotle on the purpose of poetry in a society. Numerous examples are quoted and given from both Aristotle's Poetics, and Plato's Republic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MBphilpoet.rtf
A Comparison of the Theories of Polybius and Hobbes
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the theories of these two philosophers. Their ideas are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA245hob.rtf
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This 5 page paper discusses the philosophy of Locke's assumption of certainty without innate ideas and Descartes' philosophy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MBlocdes.rtf
A Critical Analysis of John Hospers’ “Argument Against Skepticism”
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This is a 5 page report analyzing John Hospers’ “Argument Against Skepticism”. John Hospers’ “Argument Against Skepticism” provides several requirements and conditions for “knowing”: propositions must be true, must be believed to be true and evidence must be available in support of the propositions. The question of evidence remains controversial for the most part as Hospers and critics submit that the degree of evidence must be good enough for those to believe it. “Knowing” is also considered by Hospers to have a “weak” and “strong” sense in which a “weak” sense is used by most people on a daily basis and is based on individuals’ having good reason to belief a proposition is true based on the evidence whereas a “strong” sense of knowing has absolutely conclusive evidence in support of it and is what interests philosophers the most. Hospers’ arguments differ from that of Descartes and also a great deal from the hypotheses presented by the skeptics; Descartes with the concept that knowledge itself proves existence and the skeptics presenting that nothing is known for certain.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJskept1.rtf
A Critical Comparison of Aristotle and Plato on the Issue of Arete (Virtue):
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This 8 page paper discusses the philosophers Plato and Aristotle and compares and contrasts their ideas concerning virtue. This paper finds that there are many similarities as well as some notable differences between the philsophies of these two men. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: GSPhilos.rtf
A Dialogue on the Belief in the Existence of God
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This is a 7 page paper presenting a possible dialogue regarding arguments about the belief in the existence of God. A theoretical dialogue between a theist (T) and an atheist (A) includes various arguments in regards to the belief in the existence of God including reference to works by C.S. Lewis, Richard Taylor, Anselm, W.T. Stace and Alan Watts among others. While several of the fundamental arguments are denied by the atheist, overall a denial of belief of the existence of God cannot be maintained based on most of the theist’s arguments relating to the fact that through reason, intuition and moral actions, people have come to believe in something which exists outside of the natural world yet remains influential within it; a belief in the existence of God which cannot be denied.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJGodex1.rtf
A Discussion on Descartes's First Mediation
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This 4 page paper contemplates issues prompted by Descartes's first mediation. For example, it is argued that while nothing can be known for sure , that does not mean that knowledge does not exist at all. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA309Des.rtf
A Discussion on the Mind
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This 4 page essay explores the popular view of the mind in addition to Wittgenstein's. Various themes and possibilities are explored Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA345Wit.rtf
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