Papers On Native Indian Studies
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Genocide and Native America: A Reflection of Racism
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A 2 page overview of the attempts by Europeans to completely annihilate Native Americans and their culture. Identifies racism as the reasons behind those attempts and concludes that while they were almost successful, some remnants of Native culture live on. Native Americans continue to be targets of racism, however, till this very day. Bibliography lists 4
Filename: PPnaGenB.wps
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A 10 page exploration of Geronimo, the great Apache warrior. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: Geronimo.wps
Governmental Treaties and Policies Targeting Native Americans 1830-1890
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A 3 page overview of a few of the treaties and policies that targeted Native Americans in this time period. The author contends that these treaties and policies were varied yet almost all served to the detriment of the indigenous peoples and to the advantage of the U.S. government and those non-Native peoples that government encompassed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPnaTrt2.rtf
Greed: The Underlying Motivation for European/Native American Interaction
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A 5 page consideration of the motivations that characterized the early interactions between Native Americans and the Europeans that invaded their shores. European peoples not only took advantage of Native Americans but committed one atrocity after another in their attempts to prosper from them. The Native Americans, though initially deceived by the Europeans, quickly learned the lesson that these people were there only out of concern for their own gain. No sources are listed.
Filename: PPnaSpn3.rtf
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This 15 page paper analyzes Momaday's House of Dawn for messages about imperialism and postcolonial stresses of hybridity among the Native Americans. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MBdawn.rtf
How Race is Depicted on Television:
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This 7 page paper examines the issue of race in terms of how it is depicted on television. This paper specifically examines the depiction of Native Americans primarily, and addresses their depiction in both news and dramatic television programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: GSPhilte.rtf
How The Literature Of Contact Can Be Literature Of
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5 pages in length. Supporting the claim that the literature of contact can be literature of propaganda leads one to closely examine the very nature of propaganda amidst a significantly broader perspective. Propaganda reflects the attempt to distort or sway an individual's perception by means of deception; by setting the stage through a single viewpoint, authors are quite able to – and often accused of – employ literary propaganda as a means by which to impart a particular ideology or world view upon their readers. Probing two pieces of historical literature, one finds that certain issues have been brought to question concerning each author's approach. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCpropa.wps
Hugh Brody: Maps and Dreams
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This 6 page paper discusses the methods Hugh Brody used to write his book "Maps and Dreams," and how his combination of the scientific method and humanism produced a work on the Athapascan culture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: HVBrdyMp.rtf
Image Of Indians In Aphra Behn's "Widow Ranter," Dionysius
Lardner Boucicault's "The Octoroon" And Robert Toll's
"Social Commentary In Late Nineteenth Century White
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5 pages in length. In traditional style, Native Americans have always been portrayed as having a war to wage with the white man. The world has come to expect westerns to depict the Indians in no other manner but that of arrow slinging, horse riding, bloodthirsty savages with little other depth
to their heritage. One of the primary reasons for this misguided perception came from scathing perceptions in Aphra Behn's "Widow Ranter," Dionysius Lardner Boucicault's "The Octoroon" and the Robert Toll article "Social Commentary in Late Nineteenth Century White Minstrelsy." Instrumental in setting forth an image that would perpetuate through the decades, these authors wrote of experience they have been accused of never having, effectively detrimentally branding the Indians without due cause. Indeed, Native American Indians have long been forced to endure myriad portrayals of
their impression upon history's landscape, many of which have been unflattering and downright inaccurate. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCimgin.wps
Images of Darkness and Light in Njabulo Ndebele's, "The Prophetess":
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This 4 page paper lists examples of images of darkness and light from this book and analyzes them. Furthermore, this paper explores the duality of values in this story, which is evidenced in the Christian versus traditional worlds portrayed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: GSProtes.rtf
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