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Papers On Native Indian Studies
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Blackfoot Mythology
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An 8 page overview of Blackfoot mythology and how it has change over time from an oral phenomenon to a written one. The author points out common elements in Blackfoot and other Native myths as well as in Christianity. Blackfoot mythology is a reflection of both history and the manner in which that history was passed on between generations. While the primary gists of this mythology has previously managed to survive the ravages of time, its conversion to a written format has perhaps gist in more threat to the original nature of myth than any other factor in history. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPnaBlkF.rtf

California Native (Indians) to 1900.
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(5 pp) From documented information, according to McWilliams (1979) it is estimated that there were about 130,000 Indians in California. If that figure is close to accurate that would have meant that California had about 16% of Native America n peoples in the United States with about 5% of the land mass of the nation. Their history after the "periods of invasion" runs from bad to worse. Bibliography lists 3 sources
Filename: BBcalind.doc

California Ranchos in "Thrown Among Strangers" by Douglas Monroy
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A 3 page paper which examines the legacy of the Mexican Californian ranchos as seen in Douglas Monroy's "Thrown Among Strangers." Bibliography lists 1 additional source.
Filename: RAcara.rtf

Canadian Aboriginals: Evolving Identities and an Emerging Hybridity
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A 20 page consideration of the many problems facing Canada’s native peoples as they move out from the reserves into mainstream Canadian culture. This paper relates those problems to the historic tendency to strictly regulate the actions of these people to the point of removing all self responsibility. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPnaCanHybrid.rtf

Canadian Indian Policy and the Problems Associated With It
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An 8 page investigation of the problems currently being confronted by Canada's First Peoples. This paper traces those problems to poor relations between those people and the Canadian government. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPnaCanPol.rtf

Captain Cook
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A 5 page paper which examines the history of Captain Cook and the influence his discovery of the islands had upon the people. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAcpck.rtf

Casino Gambling In California
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10 pages in length. Ever since Nevada's gambling Mecca began to turn a profit, other states have long attempted to gain similar revenues for their own communities. California and the Native American population are no different when it comes to tapping into the very lucrative aspect of casino gambling; however, the two entities have remained in battle over the legalities of having casino gambling on Indian reservations. At issue: California wants a piece of the action that the reservations are sure to cultivate. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCcasCA.wps

Casino Tax Revenue and Local Government: Differences Between Native and Non-Native Contributions
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A 10 page review of Native American gaming and the revenues it provides to local government. The author contrasts Native American gaming with non-Native gaming establishments and emphasizes the role of tribal sovereignty and tax exemption in determining revenue contributions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPcasinT.rtf

Changes in Native American Culture
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This 5 page paper looks at the Culture of the native Americans and the way in which it has changed over the years as a result of increased immigration to the United States. From the days before Columbus to the current day the culture has evolved through force rather than natural progression, the paper considers the positive and the negative aspects of these changes. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEnatame.wps

Changes in the Land: Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England": A Review of the Book by William Cronan
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A 4 page overview of the major points presented by this ethnohistorian. Cronan contends that The Native American inhabitants of New England at the point of European colonization viewed the land in a much different manner than did the colonist. They utilized its resources, of course, but they utilized those resources only for the purposes of their own sustenance. The colonists, in contrast, were intent on using the land not just for their own needs but for economic profit. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPcolEnv.rtf

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