Papers On Native Indian Studies
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Aboriginal Women in Canada
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An 8 page paper which discusses the historical
importance of the aboriginal women of Canada, who have served as powerful providers to
their families. Maria Campbell's "Halfbreed" is used briefly in the discussion. Bibliography
lists 3 additional sources.
Filename: RAmetis.rtf
Abuse in the Aboriginal Residential Schools in Canada & The Mushkegowuk Cree of Fort Albany, Ontario
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This is a 10 page paper discussing abuse in Aboriginal residential schools in Canada and in particular that in Fort Albany, Ontario. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries in Canada, the federal government in partnership with a number of religious organizations ran over 130 “residential schools” for Aboriginals. Originally intended to promote the assimilation of the Aboriginal people within white society, by the time the majority of the schools closed in the 1960s and 1970s, it soon became obvious that in addition to religion and education being promoted within the schools, so too was a horrific amount of physical and sexual abuse being performed. Generations of Aboriginals who passed through the schools have suffered a great deal from the abuse and are trying within their own communities to heal from their ordeals. The federal government in addition to providing funding to aid in the healing programs has also released a formal Statement of Reconciliation and several actions plans for the communities.
The Mushkegowuk Cree of Fort Albany, Ontario is one such community affected by the horrors experienced in their residential school. Ste. Anne’s residential school in Fort Albany run by the Roman Catholic diocese has not only be accused of hundreds of cases of physical and sexual abuse but was also known for its use of a home-made electric chair with which it punished and tortured its students. In addition to a number of legal claims against those who ran the school, the community has also undergone a recent rejuvenation process which has included the renovation of the old school in addition to the building of a new educational complex where the children do not have to leave their families for their education; one of the many needed steps for healing. Some tutorial language is used throughout and inserted with square brackets to assist the customer with the writing process.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TJMCree1.rtf
Alaska: Analysis Of Two Articles
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5 pages in length. The colonization of America continued for many decades, with indigenous populations ultimately displaced when European settlers successfully overtook the territory and transformed it into their own. Alaska's native inhabitants are one of many groups whose lives changed forever when the white colonists infiltrated their homeland. The writer analyzes two articles pertaining to early Alaskan culture and colonization. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCAlska.rtf
Alcoholism and Native America: The Therapeutic Pertinence of the Movie "Smoke Signals"
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An 8 page discussion of the impact of alcoholism to Native Americans. Recommends that the family therapist become acquainted with the unique coping mechanisms which are in place in Native American families and suggests both the literature and the contemporary movie "Smoke Signals" as starting points for this quest. Relates statistics regarding alcoholism among Native Americans and summarizes the theme and importance of the movie to the therapist seeking to gain an understanding of Native American culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPnaAlco.wps
Amerindian History, Culture and Accomplishments
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This 5 page paper briefly discusses Amerindian history, cultures and accomplishments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: HVAmerin.rtf
An Analysis of Andrew Jackson's Case for the Removal Act (First Annual Message to Congress, December 8 1830)
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A 4 page review of one of President Andrew Jackson’s 1830 addresses to Congress concerning the Indian situation. The author of this paper contends that Jackson had a tendency to justify his actions and even to sugar coat them so that they appeared to be in the best interest not only of the white population which had elected him to office but also in the best interest of the people he was, in reality, dealing with so harshly. Such is the nature of political rhetoric! No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPandrJk.rtf
An Archaeological Investigation into Poverty Point: Native American Earthworks
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A 5 page paper exploring the societal importance of this massive series of prehistoric earthworks which overlook the Mississippi River swamplands in northeastern Louisiana. The author of this paper explores the construction techniques employed at the site and the problems which are encountered when archaeologists try to interpret its meaning. This paper contends that manner in which the earthworks at Poverty Point were constructed stands in testament to its tremendous importance to the people that built the site and the diverse material culture of the site indicates it was associated with a tremendous trade network. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPnaMnd2.rtf
An Introduction to the Traditional Culture of the Creek Indians
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A 15 page discussion of the culture and social interaction which characterizes these Southeastern Native Americans. While the Creeks still maintain a distinctive culture today, their culture and social interactions (just as have those of all other Native American groups) have changed
over time. This paper examines the Creeks as they were shortly after contact with Europeans and observes that, while
their culture has changed in some respects, they remain a distinctive cultural group even today. Bibliography lists 15
Filename: PPnaCrk2.rtf
Analysis of "Lulu's Passion", from "The Last Report on the Miracles at Little Horse":
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This 5 page paper examines the chapter called "Lulu's Passion" from this book which describes life in post-colonial America. This paper focuses on the hardships that Lulu endured. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: GSNohors.rtf
Analysis of Waterlily, by E.C. Deloria:
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This 6 page paper discusses this novel which is about the Dakota Sioux Indians in the mid-19th century. This paper argues that the novel is told from a primarily female perspective and gives insight into the family relationships and cultural expectations of this society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: GSWaLily.rtf
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