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Papers On Native Indian Studies
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The Sacred Pipe of the Cheyenne: Where Has it Been?
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A 5 page discussion of the Sacred Pipe and its recent return to the people. Traces the importance of the Pipe, Its Loss, and Return under the North American Graves and Repatriation Act. Emphasizes that the return of the Pipe is critical to the survival of Cheyenne culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPSacPip.wps

Alcoholism on the Reservation: A Community Health Model
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This 20 page paper considers the problem of alcoholism as it is unique to populations of Native Americans living on Reservations, and outlines an alcohol treatment program within a community health model as in intervention. This paper not only outlines the program, but also assesses the successes and failures of the program. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Filename: MHcomhea.wps

Casino Gambling on Native American Reservations: Cultural Benefit or Degradation?
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A 14 page discussion of the introduction of casino gambling to Native American reservations. Provides an overview of the issues and presents the thesis that casino gambling on Native American reservations supports the uniqueness of Native American culture rather than detracts from it. Presents examples to support that thesis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPnaCasi.wps

Differing Experiences Between Native Americans in the East and Those in the West Resulting From Contact with the Europeans
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A 5 page discussion of the changes which occurred in Native American cultures in the Eastern Woodlands and the West after the arrival of the European invaders to their lands. Discusses the forced relocation of Eastern tribes to western reservations despite their incorporation of many aspects of European culture, the cultural transformations of the Plains tribes from an agrarian lifestyle to the mounted hunters of the Plains, and their eventual confinement to the reservations. Identifies the root cause of the cultural experiences in the East and the West as European greed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPnaExpe.wps

Interpersonal Behavior / A Contrast Between the Montana Reservation Native Americans & Davis-Monthan Air Force Personnel
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An 8 page proposal for evaluating the differences in interpersonal interactions between members of the Chippewa Cree of the Rocking Boy Reservation in Montana and those of the personnel of the Davis-Monthan Air Force. Hypothesizes that the Native Americans would engage in more interpersonal touching, eye contact and other intimate behaviors than would the military personnel. Suggests an experimental design to evaluate that hypothesis then provides both supporting and dissenting information regarding the hypothesis. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Naforce.wps

Memory & Its Importance To Native American Survival
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A 5 page discussion of the importance of memory to both historic and extant Native American cultures. Includes a technical discussion of the physiology of memory formation and extensive reference to 'Ceremonies of the Damned' by Adrian C. Louis, poetry about the injustices of life on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and about the horrors of the memory loss experienced by his wife as a result of Alzheimer's. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Namemory.wps

Native American Teen Suicide
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A 15 page exploration of the issues surrounding Native American teen suicide both on the reservation and off. Emphasizes the diversity of Native American cultures and provides an overview of the cultural obstacles which face many Native Americans on their moving from the reservations into the dominant white culture and how these obstacles influence true integration into that culture and thus personal satisfaction with life in general. Stresses that counseling must incorporate specific understanding of the many factors which adversely affect Native Americans both on and off the reservation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Natsuic.wps

The Shawnee
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A 6 page overview of the Shawnee tribe of Native Americans. Provides a cultural description of the Shawnee and a brief overview of their encounters with the white encroachers to their lands in the 1700s and 1800s. Outlines the role of Tecumseh in these encounters, the ultimate loss of Shawnee traditional lands, and the forced move to the reservations. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPnaShaw.wps

White Man vs. The Native Indians -- Real Stories in History
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A 5 page analysis of Alvin Josephy's 'Patriot Chiefs' -- a book which attempts to detail realistic events and interactions occurring between America's Native Indians and early European settlers. What makes this book particularly important is that it contains a recounting of the first Thanksgiving ever. Also discussed in this essay are : King Phillip's War Against the Indians (17th century), the role of the Puritans, and the hypocrisy of White Europeans in a changing America. No Bibliography.
Filename: Patriot.wps

Gender Roles in Pueblo Culture
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A 12 page paper discussing gender roles in the culture of the Pueblo Indians. The Pueblo Indians were actually made up of several tribes that inhabited the areas known as Arizona and New Mexico. The Zuni were the most prevalent and as such are the tribe focused on in the paper. An examination of men and women, and their roles, is presented, as well as a section discussing the berdache, which were people, traditionally men, who took on the roles of the opposite sex. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: RAberdach.wps

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