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Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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Chicago, the Play
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A 4 page research paper that reviews Chicago, the Broadway musical (not the movie). The writer briefly describes the lighting, costumes, and set, but concentrates on a synopsis of the plot, which includes how the production numbers and songs fit into the show. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khchipla.rtf
Children in Dramatic Plays
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A 5 page paper which examines the roles of children, and
the treatment of children, in seven different dramatic plays. The plays are "Oedipus,"
"Hamlet," "Antigone," "Madame Butterfly," "Death of a Salesman," "The Glass
Menagerie," and "A Doll's House." No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAchldpl.rtf
Children: Bad Language and Violence on Television
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An 8 page paper which presents
an examination of how bad language and violence on television affects children negatively.
Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: RAyouthtv.wps
Chinatown: The Movie
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6 pages. Produced in 1974, the movie
Chinatown, Roman Polanski's most memorable movie, is considered a
benchmark for its time. Since then, there have been many movies
compared to Chinatown, but it remains a one of a kind film, one
that started the ball rolling for all of Hollywood. Chinatown
had everything then that no other film would touch, including
incest. And the ending was not the usual Hollywood ending all
tied up in pretty ribbon. This paper will focus on what
Chinatown offered and what the critics felt about it then and
still feel about it today. There will be similarities and
differences discussed as well as the main arguments of each, and
the various approaches the critics take will be considered.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGActown.wps
Chinese Identity Revealed in Ang Lee's Film, "The Wedding Banquet"
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A 9 page paper which examines how Chinese identity is revealed in Ang Lee's 1993 film, "The Wedding Banquet." Specifically considered are how the film negotiates Chinese identity, and how it can both inform as well as complicate the notion of ethnic identity, exile, diaspora, alienation,
hybridity, transnationalism, gender, sexuality, history and memory.
Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TGwedban.wps
Chinese Media/Documentary Film
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A 4 page research paper that examines the Film Australia production "No Sex, No Violence, No News: The Battle to Control China's Airwaves," a documentary produced by Sharon Connolly, Susan Lambert and Stefan Moore. This 2002 film presents in-depth reporting on the functions of television within the developing Chinese capitalist economy. From this documentary, as well as other sources, the image of the Chinese media that emerges is that of a propaganda machine geared for promoting a high degree of consumerism, rather than as a medium for informing the public accurately concerning current events. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khchimed.rtf
Chita Rivera:
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This 3 page paper explores the amazing contributions of Chita Rivera on musical theater. Rivera was a huge influence in the 1960's, and this paper delves into her many accomplishments. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: GSChitaR.rtf
Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 4 / A Comparison of the Original and Subsequent Editions
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An 10 page comparative analysis on Chopin's Prelude Op. 28 No. 4 on editions of the piece by arranger/artists Autograf, Paderewski, Augener, Allans, and Henle. The paper analyzes this piece in conjunction with phrasing, pedal and dynamic markings, tempo indicators, and several of the notes themselves. This paper also has a short discussion on critics of the time, today's critics, and a comparison of two audio discs. Bibliography lists 8 sources .
Filename: Chopinpr.wps
Choreography: West Side Story
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The Broadway production, West Side
Story, by composer Leonard Bernstein, lyricist Stephen Sondheim and
choreographer Jerome Robbins premiered in 1957. This 12 page narrative
paper examines the musical with an emphasis on the choreography.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KTchowss.wps
Christian Allegory in the films of John Ford
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This 5 page paper looks for Christian allegory in four of John Ford's films (Grapes of Wrath, Stagecoach, The Sun Shines Bright and The Fugitive). Various themes are explored. No sources.
Filename: SA216Jon.rtf
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