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Papers On Music, Film, Television, Theater & Photography
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This 5 page paper has loads of information on Leontyne Price, Marian Anderson and William Warfield and their connection with one another. Their works, accomplishments are discussed as well as sound clips, video interviews, and audio files. Direct quotes from the singers included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MBblsing.rtf
Blacks in Cinema/Jazz Singer & Gone With the Wind
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A 5 page research paper that looks at The Jazz Singer and Gone With the Wind as pivotal films in cinematic history for black actors. The writer discusses also how these films relate to nineteenth century minstrel troupes and the mythos that was used as rationalization for black subjugation. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: khjsgwtw.rtf
Blade Runner & Total Recall
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Two very similar comparisons between the movies Blade Runner and Total Recall (some focus on technology and similarities between the two films). One is 2 pages in length and the other is 3 (5pg total). No Bibliography.
Filename: Bladtota.wps
Blade Runner - the movie
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(5pp) Blade Runner", based loosely on Philip K.
Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
is considered the archetypical cyberpunk movie.
Few other movies have matched it; some that are
considered cyberpunk or marginally so are Alien
and its sequels, Freejack.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBblrun.doc.
Blade Runner -- A Possible Society ?
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10 pages in length. An evaluative analysis of technology, society, and freedoms as presented in the film "Blade Runner." The 'right to happiness' is mentioned as a key issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Bladerun.wps
Blade Runner and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? -- Literature Into Film
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6 page report discusses Blade Runner, the 1982 Ridley Scott movie starring Harrison
Ford and Philip Dick’s 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? which
“inspired” the movie. Looking at the difficulties of translating literature into film, this
report discusses the fact that Blade Runner actually enunciates the ideology of the text
rather than simply telling the same story. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWrunner.rtf
Blanche and Stanley’s Power Struggle in Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire”
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This is a 5 page paper with a 1 page outline discussing the power struggle between Blanche and Stanley in Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire”. In Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire” a vicious power struggle occurs between Stanley and Blanche. Ultimately they are battling over the love and approval of Stella although in the end neither seems to consider Stella’s feelings in the climax of the play which would seem to indicate that it was the gaining of the power over each other which was more vital than Stella’s approval. Williams was said to have included sexual, social and racial tensions throughout his plays to reflect aspects he had witnessed or experienced in life. Blanche and Stanley’s power struggle is reflective of those perceived in the post World War II era when neither side could be considered entirely good or entirely bad and the assets over which they fought, in this case Stella, were no better off at the end of the struggle than at the beginning.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJSNDes1.rtf
Blanche DuBois and Willy Loman
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A 6 page paper which compares and contrasts
Blanche DuBois from Tennessee Williams' "Streetcar Named Desire" and Willy Loman
from Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman." No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAblanch.rtf
Blanche DuBois: Insane?
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A 5 page paper which examines the character of Blanche
DuBois from Tennessee William's play "A Streetcar Named Desire." The paper discusses
whether or not she is insane. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAblnch2.rtf
Blues Music vs. Country Music
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A 6 page paper analytically comparing these two styles of music. The writer details various similarities and differences in lyric and content, and includes two original songs as examples in an appendix.
Filename: Bluescou.wps
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