Papers On Alternative Medicine & Holistic Approaches
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Massage: Benefits For Depression
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5 pages in length. The intrinsic elements of massage are beneficial to a vast number of physiological ailments, so it is no surprise to learn that it also has restorative properties for those suffering with psychological problems. Depression is particularly responsive to massage given the fact that the toxins released from the body during such sessions serve to relieve the built up presence of detrimental substances. Moreover, the nurturing aspect of human touch carries with it tremendous influence with regard to bridging the gap of isolation many depressed individuals experience. While massage may not be looked upon as a potential cure for depression, there is little doubt it provides the coping ability sufferers need to improve their respective quality of life. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCMassageDp.rtf
Medical Advantages for Legalized Marijuana
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A 3 page research paper that argues that marijuana (cannabis) use should be legalized for the treatment of certain medical conditions, such as the nausea and pain from chemotherapy, glaucoma, migraines and MS. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khmedpot.rtf
Medical Esthetics
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A 3 page outline of the function fulfilled by estheticists when they are working in the medical field. This paper concentrates on the profession's role in dermatology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPesthet.rtf
Medical Ethics: Euthanasia:
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This 5 page paper refers to Ronald Munson's book, "Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics", as a means of understanding the case both for and against euthanasia. Furthermore, this paper uses a Kantanian framework by which to explain the different opinions of proponents on both sides of the matter. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
Filename: GSMedeth.rtf
Medical Evolution: From the Biomedical to the Biopsychosocial Approach
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A 6 page contention that medicine has shifted dramatically over the past several decades from a discipline which concentrates solely the science of our anatomy and physiology to a discipline which recognizes not only the hard scientific facts of physiology but also the importance of psychological and sociological factors. Medicine has shifted from the Cartesian way of viewing illness, injury and disease as components of a machine-like body to one which views illness from not only a biological perspective but also a psychosociological perspective. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPmedSoc.rtf
Medicare Benefits for Hospice Care -- Developing a Research Study
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This 7 page report discusses developing a research study that addresses the differences between utilization rates of hospice services before and after Congress passed the Medicare Hospice Benefit in 1982 and then the subsequent accreditation of hospice service providers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWhosmed.rtf
Medicinal Herbs and Dentistry: Potential Complications
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A 5 page overview of the potential medicinal value of herbs. This paper emphasizes that benefit can be overshadowed by negative impacts when these drugs are combined with others or taken in high concentration such as in herbal tea. The author provides brief notes on aloe, echinacea, feverfew, garlic, ginger, gingko biloba, ginseng, goldenseal, and Saint John’s Wort. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPherbDn.rtf
Medicinal Marijuana
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This 8 page paper provides an overview of medical marijuana and its use. The debate is touched on. The substance is evaluated for its use as a medicine. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: SA725mrj.rtf
Meditation -- Practices, Applications, Benefits, and
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This 14 page report discusses meditation.
Virtually all of the world’s religious traditions incorporate
some form of meditative practice. Whether it is in the form of
prayer, contemplation, or conscious meditation, it serves as a
process that assists in clarity and understanding as well as a
greater connection to spiritual awareness. The spiritual leaders
of religions which have not defined meditation as such have come
to understand its value for its ability to help a person in
centering, concentration, and calming. Meditation is an age-old
practice, an end in itself or path toward spiritual benefits for
may who practice it, as well as a way to divorce the mind from
the problems of daily life. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: BWmedite.wps
Meditation Benefits
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A 3 page research paper discussing the benefits of various meditative practices, including T'ai Chi, Shamanic Journeying, channeling, and creative visualization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Meditben.wps
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