Papers On Alternative Medicine & Holistic Approaches
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Principles and Concepts of Iridology
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A 15 page research paper on iridology, what it is and how it works. The writer details the history of iridology, the methods used for diagnosis, the meaning of structures in the iris, and how it is currently accepted in the medical world. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Iridolog.wps
Psychological and Sociological Effects on Health
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This 15 page paper discusses the internal and external affects on health. The relationship of psychology and sociology on health is also discussed.
The bibliography has 6 sources.
Filename: JHPysc.rtf
Quantum Healing: By Deepak Chopra
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A 10 page paper that reviews and discusses Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine by Deepak Chopra. The essay begins with an example from the beginning of the book, explains what the book is about, Ayurveda, and how it relates to psychoneuroimmunology. The writer also responds to certain questions: the most interesting part, the weakest parts and an overall opinion of the book. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGchpra.RTF
Raynaud’s Disease
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An 8 page overview of the condition known as Raynaud’s, a condition in which the small arteries in the hands, toes, cheeks, nose, and ears constrict after exposure to cold. This paper distinguishes between Raynaud’s disease, Raynaud’s phenomenon, and Raynaud’s syndrome. Noting that the cause of the condition is unknown and, in all, it is only a minor inconvenience the author emphasizes that when combined with another disease, however, Raynaud’s syndrome can be quite painful and under these conditions would become a public health concern. Concentrating primarily on nutritional supplements, a number of interventional methods are reviewed for Raynaud’s syndrome. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPraynau.rtf
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This is a 5 page paper discussing reflexology, its origins and current practice. The practice of reflexology is said to have originated with the ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Native Americans with evidence being found on cave paintings found in a tomb in Egypt dated 2330 BC. However, the modern version of reflexology in which regions of the foot are associated with ten vertical zones throughout the body was first researched by Dr. William H. Fitzgerald in Hartford, Connecticut in the early 1900s. The practice of reflexology today is based on the original works of Fitzgerald and other therapists who refined his methods such as Dr. J.S. Riley and his student Eunice Ingham. A holistic therapy, reflexology’s aims are to relieve stress, pain and muscle tension, increase circulation and restore the body’s natural balance and harmony which has been plagued by disease. Although not generally considered a first line of defence by Western physicians, reflexology has become one of the more popular alternative medicine preferred by patients and clinical trials continue to test its effectiveness.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJreflx1.rtf
Reflexology / Successful Healing Through The Feet !
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14 pages in length. Foot Reflexology is the practice of stimulating areas of the feet that correspond to parts of the body with specific hand, thumb and finger techniques. This stimulation is believed to have a positive effect on a person's health and well-being. In this research paper on Reflexology, the writer discusses how the concept works, examples of its success & various uses, effects on circulation, evaluation of reflexology's major criticisms, etc;. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Reflexol.wps
Relevance of “The Doctor” to Assessment and Appraisal
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This 3 page paper explains the relevance of the film “The Doctor” to medical students with regards to assessment and appraisal. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Filename: HVHurtDr.rtf
Religion and the Machine Model of Health Care
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This 5 page paper looks at religious views of modern medicine, euthanasia and circumcision along with the clinical medical model. The Jewish religion along with The General Assembly Church of the First Born are discussed in respect to health care. Prayer is looked at as an alternative to medical care. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA044rel.rtf
Residents’ Rights in Long Term Care: Pain Management
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An 11 page paper discussing traditional and newer approaches to pain management among the elderly, specifically those confined to nursing homes. The paper includes discussion of Neuman’s, Orem’s and King’s theories of nursing practice as they relate to the issue of pain management among nursing home residents. The use of pain-killing drugs is frowned on even when use of them is necessary. More highly favored is patient education and personal responsibility in exercising pain management techniques. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSnursResRights.rtf
Restructuring the American Health Care System According to Ralph Snyderman
and Andrew Weil
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This 5 page report discusses an article published in the February 25,
2002, issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine (published by the American Medical
Association) in which the authors outline their many concerns regarding the immense
problems faced at all levels of the health care delivery system and the ways in which
integrative medicine can serve to help “put the wheels back on.” Bibliography lists 5
Filename: BWremed.rtf
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