Papers On Alternative Medicine & Holistic Approaches
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Therapeutic Touch and Nursing Intervention
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This 6 page report discusses concepts related to therapeutic touch of “TT” and its application in nursing. The assumption of the practice is that the healing energy that can be transferred through touch can serve as an important component in the overall healing process of an injury and the ways in which a patient responds to conventional treatments. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWtouch.rtf
Therapy: Alexander Technique
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This 10 page paper discusses the therapy known as the "Alexander Technique." Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: HVAlexTq.rtf
Traditional Chinese Medicine
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This 5 page report discusses
Traditional Chinese Medicine and the fact that it is finally
gaining a certain measure of respect in the Western world.
Physicians trained in Western or “modern” medicine dismissed
traditional Chinese medicine, sometimes referred to as TCM as
nothing but superstitious quackery. However, in the past few
decades, even those medical experts who were most opposed to
traditional approaches to medical treatment have come to
understand that “TCM” offers numerous benefits that are often
more effective than what the “modern” approach has to offer.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWtradch.rtf
Treating Depression: Marijuana verses the Anti-Depressant Drug Prozac
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A 6 page discussion of the relative merits of marijuana in treating depression. Notes that while anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac are effective, they have far more potential complications and costs than marijuana. The author contends that, when properly employed, the medical use of marijuana would result in less long-term harm to the user, have the potential to be just as effective in the treatment of depression as the anti-depressant drug Prozac, and be considerably less costly from a societal level. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPmarijD.wps
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This paper discusses evidence that certain forms of calcium (such as that found in the over-the-counter supplement Prelief) can help reduce symptoms of IC. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MTcalcys.rtf
Uses of Hypnosis
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This 6 page paper looks at the subject and highlights how it is used by medical professionals as well as in behavior modification industries. Controversial uses are noted such as in the case of past life regression and by police to jog a witness's memory. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA022Hyp.rtf
Vitamins Cannot Cure the Common Cold
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A 5 page paper which argues that vitamins
cannot cure the common cold. The paper presents a look at common treatments, and
preventive measures taken against the common cold, which further emphasizes that face
that there is not cure for the common cold, and the best that vitamins can do is treat the
condition afterwards, or help to boost the immune system prior to contracting a cold,
which is a virus that must run its course. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: RAcomcold.wps
Well-Baby Checkup: Considerations for a Native American Baby
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A 6 page review of the factors that should be considered in well-baby checkups. The author emphasizes that while the specifics of these checkups can vary in accordance with race and culture, this variation must be determined on the basis of fact rather than stereotypical misperceptions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPnaBaby.rtf
Wellness Centers / Medically-Based vs. Fitness-Based
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40 pages in length. The writer discusses the fact that within the world of physical and mental wellness, there are two very different approaches to the same goal: medical and fitness. The two vastly diverse programs offered at wellness centers around the world provide similar benefits; however, it is the road taken to achieve these benefits that greatly differ. Medically-based wellness centers are geared more toward the traditional, pharmaceutical therapy that has sustained throughout the centuries. Fitness-based wellness centers, on the other hand, utilize one's inherent physical abilities, coupled with nutrition, relaxation and exercise, to aid in the body's recuperation. Granted, both entities have their specific place within the interworkings of overall wellness, yet their diversity maintains them as separate practices. Current trends, however, are showing a voluntary merging of the two applications to work toward a comprehensive approach to health care. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: Wellcent.wps
Western Medicine And Alternative Medicine: Integration
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7 pages in length. Concluding evidence points toward a growing trend of western medicine practitioners collaborating closely with alternative doctors. It is not without significant forethought that the two very separate entities have joined together to create a synergistic approach to health care. The writer discusses that prevention is the key for the alternative approach, where historically and typically, the western medicine practitioner has focused more upon treating the illness or disease after it has already been diagnosed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCwest2.wps
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