Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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Medical Aspects of Hinduism
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A 5 page discussion of the cultural considerations which must be made when considering the health needs of Hindus. Not only does dealing with Hindus patients become complicated on the basis of their traditional beliefs in regards to health care, it can become complicated due to these patients’ lack of access to health care and their high propensities for certain diseases and conditions. Most importantly, however, is the variation in perception of health care which exists between Hindus and the difficulties encountered by the medical professional in recognizing traditional dictates while developing an effective health care plan.
Filename: PPhinduM.rtf
Medical Data Considerations
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A 5 page paper discussing how, in our
electronic age, medical information has been woefully fragmented and ineffective for any
application other than historical ones for many health care providers, and in a scenario all
too common, it has been far from allowing instantaneous access. An integrated
information system can be a boon in improved patient outcomes, and it can be invaluable
in situations involving telemedicine or another form of remote health care provision.
Despite the advantages possible, such a system still must preserve patients' privacy. The
SISTeM© approach can assist in designing and implementing a useable medical data
warehouse for enhanced patient care. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KS-SISTeM.wps
Medical Error
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This 10 page literature review looks at books and articles on medical error. Who is at fault and what can be done about it is at the crux of the review. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA147err.rtf
Medical Ethics and The Right to Live
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This 9 page paper evaluates a case study (provided by a student) that involves withholding or providing care for an individual who is critically ill. The family situation complicates things as does the disagreement between two treating physicians. Solutions for the problem are explored including suggestions for changing protocol in the hospital itself. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA145med.rtf
Medical Ethics and “Do Not Resuscitate” Orders
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This 6 page
report discusses the facts surrounding the numerous occasions,
when medical therapies at the fine line between life and death
are extreme, and the enormous difficulty and responsibility of
determining that essential line between living and dying, and the
ethical response to “do not resuscitate” orders. Because
technology has so significantly improved the human ability to
prolong life in the face of severe illness, it has also increased
our uncertainty over when such life extension is meaningful.
Which then, obviously, brings up the issue of the medical ethics
that are part of patient and patient families’ “do not
resuscitate” orders. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWmedeth.wps
Medical Ethics in Managed Care / Is it Possible?
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Over the course of the last 3 decades, medical ethics have shifted from the responsibility of the physician to the responsibility of the managed care organization (MCO) and as a result, the lines between appropriate care and cost feasibility have blurred the view of the ethical treatment of patients. In pursuit of cost management, managed care organizations have implemented policies that some physicians suggest are not only inappropriate, but also unethical. This 45 page research study considers the nature of managed care, the issue of ethical medical treatment and considers the question of whether medical ethics can be applied within the managed care system. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Filename: Ethman.wps
Medical Ethics; To Test or Not to Test
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This 5 page paper considers the difficult situation of a child being the potential carrier of a fatal condition; Beta Thalassemia .The paper looks at the arguments for and against her being tested for this condition using both the utilitarian approach and the Kantian approach. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEmedeth.wps
Medical Evolution: From the Biomedical to the Biopsychosocial Approach
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A 6 page contention that medicine has shifted dramatically over the past several decades from a discipline which concentrates solely the science of our anatomy and physiology to a discipline which recognizes not only the hard scientific facts of physiology but also the importance of psychological and sociological factors. Medicine has shifted from the Cartesian way of viewing illness, injury and disease as components of a machine-like body to one which views illness from not only a biological perspective but also a psychosociological perspective. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPmedSoc.rtf
Medical Insurance and the Mentally Ill
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A 5 page overview of the problems encountered by the mentally ill in receiving adequate care and
insurance coverage for that care. Although medical insurance often allow some degree of payment in policy they are not always cooperative in providing reimbursement for costs incurred and, even more
disturbingly, seem to be more interested in reducing costs than in ensuring adequate treatment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPmedIns.rtf
Medical Malpractice Tort Reform in Pennsylvania
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5 pages. This paper considers the patient's views of the current medical malpractice tort reform in the state of Pennsylvania. Currently we are seeing physicians moving out of the state, large jury verdicts pushing up the insurance premiums and the possibility of putting a cap on damages sought in lawsuits. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JAmedmal.rtf
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