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Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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Huntington's Disease
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A 5 page paper. A child who has a parent with Huntington's Disease has a 50-50 chance of inheriting HD. This is a fatal disease that progresses from minor symptoms to full incapacitation of the victim. This essay discusses: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and genetic factors involved with Huntington's. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGHD.wps

Huntington's Disease
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6 pages in length. Huntington's Disease, a genetically programmed degeneration of brain cells named after Dr. George Huntington's discovery, impacts only certain parts of the brain. Isolated in 1872, these neurons cause uncontrolled psychological and physiological behaviors in patients who have Huntington's Disease, ultimately leading to a succession of irreversible occurrences that, at the present time, are not diminished through medical intervention. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCHuntD.rtf

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This 5 page paper deals with the syndrome for premature infants called HMD or Hyaline Membrane Disease. A case study is presented from birth to the infant's release from the hospital. Exact lab results, ventilator settings and all vital medical information included. Lab results, x-rays, and diagnosis offered. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MBmed.rtf

Hydatiform Mole
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A 5 page overview of the reproductive disease that is a component of Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) and is almost always a precursor of choriocarcinoma. It is an abnormal placenta that develops into a tumor, and results either in miscarriage or death of the fetus. The tumor can be malignant, but it almost always is benign. It is a subject rarely discussed with the patient or in patient literature, yet its incidence makes it more common than some other forms of abnormalities that are well known, such as Downs' Syndrome. Bibliography lists 9 sources. H-Mole.wps
Filename: H-Mole.wps

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A 3 page research paper on the benefits of hydrotherapy. Subjects covered include mitochondrial myopathy, arthritis, sore muscles, and asthma. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Hydro.wps

Hyperhidrosis / Overview of Treatments
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A 10 page research paper on the medical and psychological effects of persons with hyperhidrosis and current treatments for the condition. The writer focuses on surgery, a proven method of treatment, but presents up to date medicinal treatments currently studied and tested. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Hyprhidr.wps

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A 9 page paper discussing this condition, which is elevated levels of any blood lipid including cholesterol. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and attention to changing that statistic increasingly has moved from treatment to prevention. It has been believed that hyperlipidemia can be used as a predictor and risk factor for heart disease. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KShyperlipidemia.wps

Hypertension: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Impacts on Cardiovascular and Renal Function
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A 5 page discussion of the health impacts of hypertension. This paper defines hypertension and outlines its impacts to cardiovascular and renal function in particular. Presenting the case study of a fictional patient who presents to the emergency room with chest pain, the author reviews the diagnostic techniques which are utilized and the interventional methods which are employed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPhypert.rtf

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This 4 page report discusses hypnosis and its advantages in a wide variety of circumstances. It can be used in therapeutic settings to “recover” suppressed memories (i.e., past abuse, witnessing a crime), to assist in controlling chronic physical pain, and to ultimately gain a greater awareness of self. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWhypno.rtf

Image and Results in the Pharmaceutical Industry
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A 7 page paper discussing problems in the pharmaceutical industry in the US and its likely outlook for the early part of the new century. There is little new in the pharmaceutical industry in the pattern of long development times, high R&D costs and efforts to recoup costs and generate profits in the relatively short time that the developing company has protected rights to a formula. What is new is the growing complexity of the diseases and conditions now under study and the immense increases in costs over the years. Some point to the fact of 2001’s 4.4 percent growth as a mark of doom, but that likely is not the case. The general economy grew during the same period only by just over 2 percent. Growing at only twice the rate of the national economy generally is not a sign of doom. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtPharmaMkt.rtf

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