Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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The Mitotic Division of Cancer Cells
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A 5 page description of mitosis and review of the factors which are believed to be important in stimulating the increased mitotic division of cancer cells. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPcancer.wps
The OHRP and the Care of Patients in Clinical Research
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An eight page paper which looks at investigations by the OHRP into various instances of irregularities and contravention of guidelines in relation to the care of human volunteers participating in clinical research trials.
Bibliography lists 4 sources
Filename: JLohrp.wps
The Organization Of Health Care In the United States
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6 pages in length. Health care in the United States has long suffered the indignities of contempt from the very people it is designed to protect. However, these recipients claim that the health care system has not lived up to the promises of adequate protection based upon the significantly
inequitable manner by which the program is run. Where the actual problem lies is dependent upon who is voicing an opinion; however, one thing is clear: the organization of health care in the United States is in need of close examination. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCUShlt.wps
The Pathophysiology and Treatment of Hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease
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This 20 page paper outlines the pathophysiological basis of hypertension and coronary artery disease from a cellular focus and applies the view of the condition to a pharmacological treatment for the
disease. This paper outlines the impact of the use of Toprol XL (Lopressor or Metoprolol) and the impacts of these drugs from a cellular perspective. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MHhypter3.wps
The Pharmaceutical Industry
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This 5 page report looks at this industry historically in addition to its effects on society today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Pharm.wps
The Physiology & Neurology Of Sleep
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A 6 page overview of the cycles of sleep and its neurological and physiological components. Discusses the importance of optimizing sleep for ensuring better academic performance. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Sleepneu.wps
The Positive Aspects of Cloning
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This 7page paper looks at the controversial issue of cloning, including human cloning. The perspective adopted is one of the support for cloning and discusses the benefits it may bring to medical science by way of saving and enhancing lives. The bibliography cites 9 sources and includes may quoted from authoritative sources.
Filename: TEclonin.wps
The Second Sickness by Howard Waitzkin
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5 pages in length. Howard Waitzkin's
book The Second Sickness is a culmination of the Marxist-oriented analysis
considering the current contradictions in society that form the basics of
problems in the health-care systems. This book explains the structures of
oppression and the social origins of illness, which, because of corporate
interference in health care, have emerged as even greater problems arise.
Also considers the issues at hand in the healthcare industry concerning
technology and profit, as well as lessons to be learned from such countries as
Chile and Cuba. Based on the second edition of Waitzkins' book, this edition
takes into account changes that have occurred since the first edition was
published in 1983. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JGA2ndsk.wps
The Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing: Comparison of Theories of Orem and Peplau
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Nursing, as a necessity, must address both patient and the health care system. Methodologies must also take into account other factors such as culture, ethnicity, race, socioeconomic background and educational attainment. Theories have evolved over the years to much more precisely take into account these considerations. Two such theories are proposed by D. Orem and Hildgard Peplau. While the specifics of these two theories differ on surface appearance, they are quite similar in their consideration of patient welfare as it relates to need and the ability of a nursing system to address that need. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPnrsThy.wps
The Sexual Transition
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This 13 page paper gives a comprehensive
overview of the social, emotional and physical factors involved in the
process of transgenderism. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KTtransx.wps
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