Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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Factors Influencing Organ Donation Among African Americans
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A 6 page overview of the Catch 22 situation which exists among black Americans regarding the need for transplant organs and their own reluctance to donate those organs. Addresses the concerns which exist in regard to organ donation and the steps which can be taken to overcome those concerns. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPorganD.wps
Family Attendance in Emergency Medical Situations
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A 5 page discussion of the ethical and medical reasons for either allowing or excluding family members during certain emergency medical situations. Emphasizes that the decision as to whether or not to allow family member attendance is really dependent on the family and the patient. While some family members obviously provide a needed support structure for the patient, and thus are beneficial in terms of their overall welfare; other family members can be more of a liability or interference in certain medical situations. Assessing which category a family member falls into becomes the responsibility of medical personnel. In no event, however, should a family member be isolated from a patient simply based on blanket organizational policy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPmedFam.wps
Family-Centered Care
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A 5 page paper that provides a general overview of family-centered care, including the principles and elements on which it is based as well as the principles for collaboration between and among professionals. A brief discussion of how this model relates to children with special needs is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGfamct.wps
Fast Food Contributes to Obesity in America
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This 9 page paper looks at obesity and how fast food contributes to it. Suggestions for policy changes are made in respect to prohibiting fast food in schools, implementing advertising laws that prey on young people and taxing food for fat content. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA312ff.rtf
Feminist Theory and Nursing
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A 6 page paper which discusses the impact of feminist
theories on nursing from a historical, political, and management perspective. Bibliography
lists 8 sources.
Filename: RAfemnurs2.wps
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of this preventable disorder. FAS is defined and FAE is touched on. Characteristics are described in detail. New research in the area of prevention is also provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA121FAS.rtf
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This 9 page paper discusses fetal facial disorders including: cleft palate/lip, anophthalmia, microphthalmos, hypoterlorism, hyperterlorism. A definition is given of each as wel as the etiology, occurence rates, associated anomalies, appearances, classifications and differential diagnoses of the defects. Most current data available utilized and cited. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MBfetalfac.rtf
Feverfew / Keeping Ahead Of Migraine Pain
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A 5 page review of the article by Steven Foster published in 'Better Nutrition' October, 1996. Analyzes the literature presented in the article and compares it with the new findings presented. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Migrc.wps
Fiber Optics
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A 5 page paper which examines fiber optics, illustrating their use in medicine, telecommunications and other fields. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAfiber.rtf
Five Common Chemotherapeutic Agents: Cancer Treatments, Side Effects and Complications
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This is a 15 page paper discussing five common chemotherapeutic agents in their treatment of cancer, their side effects and complications. Chemotherapeutic agents are used to interfere with the growth of cancer cells in an effort to destroy them. When studying the alkylating agents chlorambucil, thiotepa and carmustine and the antimetabolites fludarabine and floxuridine, it is has been found that although these chemotherapeutic agents are used in the treatment of various forms of cancer, they can also cause a great many side effects ranging from nausea, hair loss, bloody stools and urine, back and abdominal pain and even secondary cancer which may appear months or years after the administration of the treatment. Patients taking chemotherapeutic agents are also warned that they may cause birth defects during pregnancy or affect the children of mothers breast-feeding. Nevertheless, chemotherapeutic agents have been found to cure over 20 percent of new cancers diagnosed and with proper caution by the patient, physician and administering staff, the patient may overcome the cancer with this form of treatment.
Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TJChemo1.rtf
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