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Papers On Medicine, Medical Issues, & Pharmacy
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Coping with Breast Cancer
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A 6 page research paper that consists of a literature review on studies addressing the stress and coping skills involved with having breast cancer. There is a large body of research focusing on how stress affects breast cancer and breast cancer survivors, as well as on how to help women cope with this diagnosis. This examination of this body of research demonstrates that while some studies are informative and encouraging, there is still much to be learned on this topic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khcopcan.rtf
Coronary Artery Disease: Causes and Approaches
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A 12 page discussion of the causes and interventional methods of cardiac disease. Elaborates on the role of plaque and bacteria as causative factors of heart disease. Emphasizes the importance of education and rehabilitation both in reducing the occurrence of heart disease and treating individuals and families who suffer form the condition. Includes a onepage Roman Numeral Outline. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPheart3.wps
Cost Analysis Nurse Practitioner
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This 25 page paper includes a 9 page annotated bibliography. There are a number of topics discussed in this paper, including the cost analysis for adding a nurse practitioner to the staff of a hypothetical physician family practice. Topics discussed include the increasing numbers of nurse practitioners found in doctors' offices and clinics; information regarding nurse practitioners and what they can do; studies that have demonstrated the value of nurse practitioners, the problems faced by a hypothetical family practice, the cost analysis and decision to hire a family nurse practitioner. Data are included. Two graphs included. Annotated bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: PGnpanl.wps
Cost Effective Measures in Maintenance of Mental Health Treatments and Possible Alternative Therapies
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This is a 7 page paper discussing cost effective measures in mental health treatment. The Surgeon General in the United States has issued a report which estimates that “one out of every five Americans suffers from some form of mental disorder with direct and indirect costs to society totaling nearly $200 billion a year”. In addition to the number of those considered affected by a mental health illness within the country, the range and diagnoses of mental health illnesses vary a great deal. While those with severe mental health conditions may be able to be “reliably” diagnosed and treated in the medical community, there are those who cannot afford medical mental health treatment as they may be uninsured and there are also those who may be less easily diagnosed or may be associated with mental disorders which relate to alcoholism and/or substance abuse therefore creating a large and diverse population in need of mental health care. The mental health community has also come to the realization that mental health care treatment costs are escalating while funding is not, resulting in mental health professionals seeking other more cost-effective treatments for their patients but treatments which must also maintain the effectiveness of traditional treatment as well. Since alternate treatments have been studied in the past decade, it has been found that while many alternative treatments are cost-effective, many are also as effective as traditional treatments and some have proven more-effective than traditional therapies.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TJmhcst1.rtf
Cost of Life Support
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A 5 page research paper that investigates the cost, for emotional and financial, to families of patients who are in a vegetative or comatose state, but who did not indicate their wishes regarding aggressive medical intervention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khcotlif.wps
Cranial Osteopathy – An Overview
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Cranial Osteopathy – An Overview: This 6-page essay details the most current information relevant to Cranial Osteopathy. This form of alternative medicine is espoused as a reliable treatment for vast numbers of physiological ailments that are ‘failed’ by standard medical therapies. Nonetheless, it remains wholly unproven. Bibliography lists 5 sources. SNCranos.doc
Filename: SNCranos.doc
Creating an Asthma Education Program
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An 8 page research paper which examines topics which should be covered in establishing an education program which will empower both the asthma patient and the patient's family to take control of this chronic, yet controllable disease. The writer covers such topics as creating a personalized care plan, the role of allergens, and how to control them in the home environment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Asthmaed.wps
Critical Thinking Case Study: Revamping Quality Assurance and Clinical Pathways to Improve Cost Effectiveness
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A 5 page case study of the Fictional Faith Memorial Hospital. The problem confronting the organization is meeting the terms of their commitment to promote the health and well-being of the people in the communities we serve through a comprehensive continuum of services while at the same time reducing operating costs. An overview of the internal problems which exist at Faith Memorial is used to demonstrate the importance of revamping quality assurance plant and clinical pathways. Bibliography lists 5
Filename: PPmedSol.rtf
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This 5 page paper discusses the practical use and application of critical thinking in the nursing profession. Examples are given and quotes cited from the text of Catalano's Nursing Now textbook. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MBcritnurse.rtf
Critique of “The Quiet Room” by L. Schiller and A. Bennett
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This is a 5 page critique of “The Quiet Room” by L. Schiller and A. Bennett. The 1994 book “The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness” by Lori Schiller and Amanda Bennett, tells the story of Schiller’s struggle with the illness, treatment and lifestyle of a schizophrenic. The book is important in many aspects as horrific as the tales may appear, they are typical of experiences of schizophrenics: from the onset of the symptoms of the illness; to the realization and acceptance of the illness; to the maze of the health care system; and to (hopefully) successful treatment of the illness. The book has been adopted by the mental health care community as a realistic and candid report on the mental turmoil and institutional nightmares schizophrenics must endure while going through the steps from diagnosis through treatment. The book also provides useful insight and hope to families of schizophrenics which are emphasized in the support of Schiller’s family. Finally the book provides hope and inspiration to schizophrenics as well who are able to read Schiller’s own documentation of her road to recovery and the productive lifestyle she leads today.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJLSchi1.rtf
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