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Papers On Literature
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This 5 page paper is a study of the phenomenon of Anne Frank and what her diary has meant to future generations. The philosophies of Cynthia Ozick and Bruno Bettleheim are explored. Examples and quotes offered and cited. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MBfrank.rtf
Anne Moody's "Coming Of Age In Mississippi"
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5 pages in length. A perfect society would reflect an attitude of equality -- rather than one of segregation -- toward the myriad ethnicities that exist in today's world; however, as much as humanity has moved away from racism, there have been just as many issues that have stalled its
enlightenment. Anne Moody's "Coming of Age in Mississippi" effectively addresses this notion as it relates to racial alliance and attitudes in post World War II America. Indeed, the author's life story – both her experiences and evolving thinking on race, gender and social relations – clearly demonstrate the origins, evolution and social/political consequences of the Civil Rights movement. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCmoody.wps
Anne Moody/Coming of Age in Mississippi
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A 6 page research paper that discusses Moody's autobiography. The writer argues that Anne's experience during her childhood and the Civil Rights movement offers a means of comprehending black experiences that led to one of the most significant social movement of the century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khanmo.rtf
Annie Dillard’s “Seeing”
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A 5 page paper discussing the various methods that Annie Dillard uses to define and describe ways of seeing. “What you see is what you get” (Dillard 140). And what we see, according to Dillard, is only that which we are prepared to see. We can construct a variety of methods of categorizing and classifying all manner of life events and occurrences, but these constructs only provide a framework that defines what we are able to see. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSseeing.rtf
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This 5 page paper discusses Jamiaca Kincaid's political themes through the story of Columbus in Chains, in chapter five of the book, Annie John. Examples given, literary analysis offered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBjohns.rtf
Annotated Bibliography Sources Pertinent to John Locke
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This 3 page annotated bibliography describes sources related to an investigation on John Locke. Several issues are included such as his views on religion and property rights. Bibliography lists 7 sources
Filename: SA43Bib.rtf
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This 3 page annotated bibliography outlines seven books pertaining to the life and times/works of children's author, Roald Dahl. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MBroald.rtf
Anonymous/"Sir Patrick Spence"
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A 3 page essay that analyzes "Sir Patrick Spence," a medieval poem (author unknown) that was written in the twelfth century. The poet relates how Sir Patrick Spence set to see on the king's command and met with watery grave. The poem is a sea saga that is told in vivid images, which serve to connect the modern reader to the real human feeling of loss that is portrayed in the verse. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khsirsp.rtf
Anthropomorphism/"Nun's Priest's Tale"
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A 5page research paper in which the writer explores the way that Chaucer used anthropomorphism in the Nun's Priest's Tale. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khnunpr.wps
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5 pages in length. In the play Antigone by Sophocles, the reader is shown a difference between the attitudes of the males and the females in Greek society. In fact, these views make us suspect that Sophocles was a feminist in his portrayal of the female in Greek society. This opinion is easily justified when we examine different aspects of the play. Bibliography cites one source.
Filename: JGAantgn.wps
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