Papers On Literature
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Assata Shakur / Her Life & Her View of Foreign Struggle
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A 3 page paper discussing the autobiography of Assata Shakur and how struggles against racism and classism throughout the world is linked with her own struggle and exile. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Shakur.wps
Assault on Paradise by Tatiana Lobo
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5 pages. This essay focuses
on the social system in Spanish America and how that social
system is reflected in the novel Assault on Paradise by Tatiana
Lobo. The protagonist, Pedro, has many conflicting thoughts and
actions throughout the novel, from his underground resistance
days in Seville, Spain, to his love affair with "The Mute" up to
his last actions taken in freeing the captured Indians. All of
this displays the fact that while his background was very
European he was led in directions which would have been
considered socially subversive by his peers. Bibliography lists
1 sources.
Filename: JGAtlobo.wps
Assimilation and Acculturation in the Words of Immigrant Writers
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This 5 page report discusses works by Anzia Yezierska, Bruno Lessing (the pseudonym of Hearst Publications editor Rudolph Block), along with editors Barbara Roche Rico and Sandra Mano, all of whom have firsthand knowledge of the immigrant experience. Each wanted to explain the experience of being an immigrant in ways than non-immigrants could understand and to which immigrants could relate. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWanzia.rtf
Assimilation Is A Struggle
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This six-page-paper presents a comparison to the assimilation
of the main characters to the white community by a black man and a Korean man. Using
Spike Lee's movie, "Do The Right Thing" as well as Chang Rae Lee's novel, "Native
Speaker" the writer discusses the attempts at assimilation as well as the final decision
made by both men. Bibliography lists two sources.
Filename: CWdother.wps
Athena and Penelope in Homer’s “The Odyssey”
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A 5 page paper which examines how the wife and the goddess influenced Odysseus, thus assuring their importance in the epic poem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TGpenath.rtf
Atman in the Upanishads?
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An 8 page research paper that investigates what the Upanishads (Hindu religious texts) say about the Atman, which is roughly equivalent to the Judeo/Christian concept of the soul. The writer begins by discussing what the Upanishads are, and then discusses what several of these texts say about Atman. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khatman.rtf
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This paper discusses the charms of Ireland and how they impact Lt. Yolland, the very proper British official. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTtransl.rtf
Atwood & Orwell/Totalitarianism
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A 6 page paper that analyzes Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-four in regards to how the totalitarian states in each novel maintain power. The wrier argues that in each book, this is done largely through surveillance and control of sexuality. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khtotato.rtf
August Strindberg and “The Stronger”
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This 5 page report
discusses who is the stronger character in Strindberg’s play
“The Stronger.” “The Stronger” is a three-character one-act in
which the central character never appears, and one of the two
female rivals for his love says nothing. The entire action of
the play takes place over only a 15-minute period.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWstrind.wps
August Wilson
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An 8 page paper which examines the life and work of August Wilson.
Much of Wilson's work seems to mirror much of his life, and his journey to accepting
himself, and perhaps his father, who abandoned the family when Wilson was young. The
argument is presented that, as most writers write from personal experience, to one degree
or another, Wilson's works essentially reflect much of his own life and his own discoveries
and struggles. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAaugwils.wps
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