Papers On Literature
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5 pages in length. In the play Antigone by Sophocles, the reader is shown a difference between the attitudes of the males and the females in Greek society. In fact, these views make us suspect that Sophocles was a feminist in his portrayal of the female in Greek society. This opinion is easily justified when we examine different aspects of the play. Bibliography cites one source.
Filename: JGAantgn.wps
Antigone and Oresteia: Female and Male Interests/Values
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A 7 page paper which
examines the stories "Antigone" and "Oresteia" as they relate to female and male
interests/values. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAantig3.rtf
Antigone, Hippolyte, and Nora
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This 5 page report discusses the
stories of Antigone, Hippolyte, and Nora of Henrik Ibsen’s “A
Doll’s House.” Initially, “Antigone” appears to be an obvious
story of political dilemmas focusing on civil disobedience and
civic responsibility, rather than the personal development and
revolution of one woman. Hippolyte is the mythological story of a
great queen killed by Hercules. Nora Helmer is the “modern”
construct and is a character in Henrik Ibsen’s famous play “A
Doll’s House.” Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWanthip.wps
Antigone, Popular Then, Popular Now
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What makes something a 'classic' or
something that appeals to audiences of all ages and in all eras? The answer:
it speaks to different people, their experiences and reactions. This 5 page
paper explores the ways that Sophicles' play, Antigone, appeals to modern
audiences as well as to audiences of the past and the future. Bibliography
lists 5 sources.
Filename: KTpopant.rtf
Antigone: A Character Analysis in Sophocles verses Anouilh
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A 6 page discussion of the differences in these author’s character portrayals of the young Antigone in the classic play “Antigone”, first written by Sophocles then by French playwright Jean Anouilh. The author of this paper contends that Antigone was shaped by the characters around her, particularly Creon and that this shaping was somewhat different between the two versions presented by Sophocles and Anouilh. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPantigo.rtf
Antigone’s Legacy to the Modern World
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A 6 page paper identifying the single most important issue in Sophocles’ classic play, and determining how they apply to the modern world. The paper argues that through Antigone’s handling of an impossible decision, we learn what real character means.
Filename: KBantig.wps
Anton Chekhov and "Uncle Vanya"
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A 5 page paper which examines, briefly, the life
of Anton Chekhov, and then discusses the play "Uncle Vanya," illustrating that he is
perhaps the most likeable character in the play. Bibliography lists 3 additional sources.
Filename: RAvanya.wps
Anton Chekhov's 'The Cherry Orchard': Productions
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8 pages in length. Myriad productions have been created that revolved around Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard; however, time after time each rendering failed to present the play in the comedic style that Chekhov had originally intended. Curiously, even the playwright's own wife did not detect the comedic air to her husband's tale, noting only that she expressed her delight at the play and the tears it evoked. Amazed at how she and all other members of the company could not experience the intended farce, Chekhov finally relinquished his struggle to maintain The Cherry Orchard as a comedy. As such, Stanislavsky's production – the first of its kind – presented a melancholy version. The writer compares Stanislavsky's production with those of Andrei Serban, Peter Brook and Lucian Pintilie.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCchekh.wps
Anton Chekhov/2 Short Stories
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A 5 page essay/research paper that examines three Chekhov short stories, "The Chorus Girl" (1886), "The Darling" (1899), and "The Betrothed" (1902). The writer argues that these three stories show consistency in Chekhov's attitudes toward women over the course of his career, while, simultaneously the stories also show his maturing style. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khchekss.wps
Anton Chekhov/The Cherry Orchard
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An 8 page research paper that analyzes how Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" reflects the social and political situation in Russia at that time. The writer discusses how Chekhov foresaw the downfall of the aristocracy and the corresponding rise of the commercial/merchant class. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khcheorc.rtf
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