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Papers On Latin-America / Mixed
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This 8 page paper discusses the societal views toward gender roles and homosexuality in the history of Latin America. Specific examples given. Quotes cited from texts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MBqueer.rtf

Latino Americans
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A 5 page paper which examines the culture and experiences of the Latino Americans today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAlatam.rtf

Liberation Theology
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A 15 page research paper that describes the history and development of Latin American liberation theology. Liberation theology is a term that was coined in 1973 by Gustavo Gutierrez, a Peruvian Roman Catholic priest (Berrman, 1987). This branch of theological thought refers to Latin American Catholics who subscribe to the idea that Christianity should be primarily concerned with focusing on liberating people from oppression and poverty. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khlibth2.rtf

Magic Realism In Hispanic Literature
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23 pages in length. In a world that combines fantasy and reality to create an image much grander than life, magic realism is a space and time not many authors have successfully captured. Hispanic-American literature is most assuredly the leader of magic realism, which is defined as a mingling of characters and events in such a way that perfectly blends realistic and mythical elements to create a strangely familiar world. The fantastic qualities of magic realism are found most predominantly in Latin-American works that came to the forefront of the literary world between 1949 and 1970. The writer discusses the concept of magic realism as it relates to Hispanic-American literature, as well as documents the contributions of four gifted writers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Magchisp.wps

Marta Laureano case
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A paper which considers the recent case of Marta Laureano and the issues it raises with regard to child abuse and the importance of bilingualism in a multi-cultural society. Bibliography lists 3 sources
Filename: JLkiser.rtf

Mestizaje In Latin America
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A 4 page paper discussing the intent of the Spanish and Portuguese in insisting that indigenous populations of Latin American minority groups intermarry in a process of blanqueamiento or 'whitening.' The intent was to preserve the superiority of the conquerors by destroying any ethnic identity and so prevent resistance from any single ethnic group. What they failed to realize is that the common ground of mulatto status also provides that common ground with which to identify. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Mestizaje.wps

Military Rule in Brazil 1964 – 1985; Causes and Results
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This 10 page paper looks at reasons behind the seizure of political control on Brazil by the military in 1964. The reasons for this are numerous, including the role played by Joćo Goulart in precipitating the actions taken by the military. These issues are discussed with reference to the economic and social conditions in Brazil immediately prior to the coup. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEbraz64.wps

Neoliberalism in Latin America
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A 4 page discussion of neoliberalism in Latin America. Notes the shortcomings of the political philosophy and uses Mexico to illustrate its many economic and social failures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPneolib.wps

Nicaraguan Migration
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5 pages in length. Nicaragua maintained one of the most powerful economies of Central America until the late 1970s, even in the face of an oppressive authoritarianism that had been in existence since the first half of the century. The year 1979 marked the point in time when the Sandinistas took over, bringing to bear their revolutionary political style, starting a downward economic and social spiral that would not cease for more than a decade (Harris, 1993) and encouraging thousands upon thousands of Nicaraguans to seek a better life in Miami. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCNicarImm.rtf

Norman Manley and Michael Manley: Jamaican Prime Ministers
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An 8 page paper which analyzes the position and involvement of Norman Washington Manley and his son Michael Norman Manley, both of whom were Prime Ministers of Jamaica. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: RAmanley.wps

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