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Papers On Latin-America / Mixed
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Brazilian Economy at the Turn of the Century
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A 5 page overview of
Brazilian economy in the last decade of the 1900s. Concentrates on
the period 1994-1999 and provides specifics of inflation rates, GDP
and investment strategies in the country. Credits Brazil's economic
recovery to the investment of the International Monetary Fund.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPbrzEcn.wps
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A 5 page paper which discusses the age of caudillo in Latin American History.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAcaudill.wps
Central America's Civil Wars & Brazil's Country Profile
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8 pages in length. The writer discusses the 1980's Nicaraguan civil war and provides country statistics for Brazil. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCSandi.rtf
Che Guevara/Motorcycle Diaries
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A 5 page book review that examines a book based on the diaries and letters that Che Guevara wrote on a trip by motorcycle across South America in 1952. The writer argues that this volume gives glimmers of the social revolutionary that Che would eventually become. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khmotche.wps
Che Guevara: Bolivian Revolutionary
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5 pages. It was the
philosophy of the beloved leader, Ernesto Che Guevara, that all
of humankind extends benevolence to one another in order for all
peoples to flourish in this world. However, while his hopes were
planted on the right path toward eternal good will, the efforts
that came out of such dedication left much to be desired.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAgueva.wps
Colombia - Foreign Policy
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This 9 page paper begins with an historical overview of Colombia's emphasis on international relations and foreign policy and its role in creating different international organizations. Colombia has never been as interested in foreign relations as it has been in domestic security. The essay reports the decades of civil wards and unrest, the proliferation of coca crops, Plan Colombia, an anti-drug program supported by the U.S. and activities during the last decades. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGcolob.RTF
Colombia drug cartel
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An annotated bibliography of sources for a thesis on the Colombia drugs cartels, with reference to US foreign policy and international law. Bibliography lists 7 sources
Filename: JLcolmdrug.rtf
Colonial Latin America: Social Networks, Identity, and Consensus
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This is a 6 page paper discussing colonial Latin America in relations to the patron-client relationship and social classes. While colonial Latin America was segregated into a hierarchy of social and class systems with the Spanish elite at the top, the maintenance of the system was possible by the textured social networks within communities which existed before the introduction of the Spaniards but nevertheless added the elite Spaniards as the ruling class. The Spaniards did their best to degrade the culture of the Native Indians by introducing Spanish customs and religion and separating the communities into barrios however although the Indians observed these new customs in a public sense, their private identity still contained traditional cultural, familial and social elements. Largely the Spanish elite ruled with stability based on the belief in the class system which expected them to manage the communities with justice. When that expectation failed however, consensus among the lower classes was obtained and riots ensued which led the way to eventual independence.
Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TJLatam1.rtf
Counseling Latino Clients in Regards to Cultural Considerations
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This is a 12 page paper discussing issues in regards to counseling Latino clients. Therapists who are counseling Latino men and women must take into account various cultural and ethnic values traditional in Latino families including adherence to machismo, marianismo, persondisimo, simpatia, respeto and familism; all of which define the gender, family and community relations and rely on protection, support, respect and honor. However, in regards to Latinos in the United States, differences between individuals also rely on acculturation levels. In the case of counseling Latina women who have been raped or sexually abused, therapists must take into account not only traditional values of Latinos, but also acculturation levels, concepts of identity, biculturalism, stages of identity development, attitudes on present day sexual influences, health care formality, the current state of family influences and the shifting gender roles among other issues.
Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: TJLatwm1.rtf
Culture and Freedom
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A 4 page paper evaluating today’s consequences of past actions. Discussions of the destruction of one culture by another, stronger power have included issues of American slavery, the Spanish conquest of Latin America and destruction of Muslim and Jewish civilizations in the name of Christianity. The picture of destruction in all of these examples is valid. Without our past as it was, however, our present likely would have been very much different than what we have today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSsocCultFree.rtf
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