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Papers On Latin-America / Mixed
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The Change in Marriage Ceremonies and Marriage Social Structures in Latin America Before and After the Spanish Invasion and Introduction of the Catholic Church
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the change in marital ceremonies and structure before and after the Spanish invasion and the introduction of the Catholic Church in Latin America. The traditional marriage ceremonies and marriage social structures which occurred in the communities of the Indians of Latin America before the arrival and the instigation of the Catholic Church by the Spaniards were vastly different than those which occurred after the invasion of the Spaniards. Firstly, traditional Indian marriages were organized by matchmakers and arranged by extensive negotiations by the adult family members. The ceremonies were performed by the local priests without words or involvement of the couple or their families. Marriages were based on alliances between families for political reasons and most often, the couple did not know each other before the union. Marriages were allowed between close cousins, and divorces and polygamy were common practices. After the Catholic Church came to Latin America, matchmakers and family members were not allowed during the pre-marital organization of the ceremony. This took place between the couple and the clergy who would perform the ceremony in the Church. Couples were encouraged by the Catholic Church to marry for love as they were not allowed divorce or polygamy. Family members were encouraged to remain out of the affairs of the couples and couples were told to come to the Church for any counseling in family matters. Previous to the Spanish invasion, married couples may have lived in nuclear families, in extended families, or often, the wives would remain with their own family. After the Church organized the marriage, couples were encouraged to set up their own house away from that of their families’. The structure of the communities and family social alliances were no longer considered valid in regards to marriage in the rules of the Church. In addition to the sacrament of marriage, couples were also required to have the sacrament of baptism before they were allowed to marry in the Catholic Church which required yet another change in traditional ceremony.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJmarit1.rtf
The Charismatic Leadership of Ernesto Che Guevara
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A 10 page paper discussing the management style and motivations of the medical doctor that was so important in the development and continuation of Marxist influences in Latin America. A committed opponent of capitalism and the US, Guevara exhibited many of the same characteristics that can be found in the leadership of Southwest Airline’s Herb Kelleher, another charismatic leader. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSguevara.rtf
The Concept of Fairness in the Law of Natural Justice in Jurisprudence of the Commonwealth Caribbean
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This is a 10 page paper discussing the concept of fairness and natural justice in regards to the jurisprudence of the Commonwealth Caribbean. The concept of fairness adds to the law of natural justice especially in its application of the jurisprudence of the Commonwealth Caribbean. The Commonwealth Caribbean, comprised of over 15 island and mainland nations in the Caribbean, has a system of law based primarily on that of the United Kingdom and on each nation’s colonial history. Some nations have components of the colonial Dutch and French systems as well because of historical ties. Regardless of the nation however, the Commonwealth Caribbean was considered one of the areas of the world in which basic laws of human rights, natural justice and natural law, were not being followed in regards to fairness, justice and equality within the judicial system. Prisoners unable to afford representation were not always provided with legal aid and were therefore not offered fair trials, decisions or appeals. With an international push for fairness in judicial systems, organizations were formed providing representation for criminals in the Commonwealth Caribbean in the mid-1990s and more recently constitutional amendments have been included providing for legal aid representation in all cases. Several amendments have been enforced within the judicial system as well to follow constitutional law to provide fair and just representation in regards to decisions pertaining to court justices and despite the power of the Chief Justice within the judicial system, he must also follow the concept of fairness in his application of justice within the judicial system itself.
Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TJJurCC1.rtf
The Concept of Freedom in the Hispanic Culture
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A 3 page discussion of the Hispanic quest for freedom. This paper defines the Hispanic culture as a broadly encompassing culture and one that has repeatedly sought freedom both from outside imperialistic powers and from inside dictatorial powers. Examples from Chile are emphasized. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPlatFreedom.rtf
The Effect Of Outside Forces on Latin America
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A 4 page research paper on outsidfe influences on Latin America, and whether these lead to victimization. The writer details drug trafficking, NAFTA, and religious and political influences and discusses what would change the perceptions about them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Latin3.wps
The Evolution of Squatter Settlements
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An 11 page review of squatter settlements, how they evolve and what causes the mass migrations of people which settle them. Discusses the lack of basic planning and infrastructure in these settlements. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPsquat.wps
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This 4 page paper discusses the developments which have come to Columbia since its independence, examines the causes of the civil wars, and analyzes the potential for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBhiscol.rtf
The Impact of Salsa Music On Latino Children In The US
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A 2 page paper that considers the impact of Salsa music on Latino children in the US and then compares this to the impact on children in Latin America. Bibliography lists 3 sources. Salsa
Filename: Salsam.wps
The Indigenous Women of Latin America: Factors Impacting Human Rights
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A 19 page overview of the numerous factors affecting the basic human rights of Latin America’s indigenous women. The author asserts that the indigenous women of Latin America have been suppressed by a number of societal factors. These factors revolve around their native traditions and societal expectations, the influence on the Europeans who colonized Latin America, globalization, and the rampant development of their homelands in a manner which degrades traditional land rights and serves to further adversely affect the rights of indigenous women. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPwmnLat.rtf
The Interpretation of Forecasted Population Growth in the Dominican Republic
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This 5 page paper considers the population pyramid for the Dominican Republic using it to examine the implications for the country. The paper looks at the population figures for 2000, 2025 and 2050 looking at issues such as the drop in infant mortality and the increasing size and age of the population and the implications this has on government policy, economy and social services of the Dominican Republic. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEdompop.wps
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