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Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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Reaction To Colonizing And The Attempt To Conquer And Control Native Peoples
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9 pages in length. The French ethnohistorian Nathan Wachtel has spoken of the "Vision of the Vanquished" in context of American Indians and their reaction to outsiders and the European attempt to conquer and control native peoples. The ways in which certain texts engage the question of native response to conquest and colonization mirror myriad populations that have had to endure similar subjugation. Historically, the degree of resistance, along with the challenge's effectiveness to outside authority, has not worked in the natives' favor, ultimately hastening a strong
dislike for those who choose to colonize on land that is already occupied by native peoples. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCamnat.wps
Reasons for the Differences Between North and South America
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This 3 page paper takes an economic look at these two continents. The theories of Stanley Engerman and Ken Sokoloff are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA342NaS.rtf
Regional Development Policy in Mexico
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4 pages in length. The
focus of this paper is the regional development policy in Mexico.
Discussion will include both growth pole theory and sectoral
theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAmexdv.wps
Relations Between Colombia & the US
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A 4 page paper discussing the effects of US involvement in the internal politics of Colombia. Colombia receives more US aid than any other country in the hemisphere, even though the Colombian government carries the worst human rights record in the Americas. Most of the aid is designated for anti-drug activity, but too much evidence consistently points to US military involvement in preserving a corrupt Colombian government. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Colomus.wps
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This 35 page paper gives an in depth analysis of the ancient Mayan religions, deities, culture, and current practices. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MBrelmay.rtf
Remaking of Mexico
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An 18 page research paper that examines the Mexican Revolution and both Zapatista Movements (1920s and 1990s) and how they affected the spirit of Mexican nationalism. The writer offers an overview of the Revolution, nationalism and what experts feel is needed for a healthy Mexican identity and nationalism. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: khmexhis.rtf
Review of “Politics of a Colonial Career: Jose Baquijano and the Audiencia of Lima” by Mark A. Burkholder
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This is a 5 page paper reviewing Mark Burkholder’s text “Politics of a Colonial Career: Jose Baquijano and the Audiencia of Lima”. This is a text which richly details the career of Baquijano during the reforms of the late 18th century in the Americas. The text is well researched and referenced and provides a good inside look at the political developments in Peru at that time.
Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TJBurkh1.rtf
Revolution in Haiti
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This 8 page paper examines both the recent unrest in 2004 and the initial revolution that created the state in 1804. Haiti's constitution is examined. The recent struggles are discussed in the context of the world community. Economic theories are used to explain the problems for the nation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA414Ha.rtf
Richard Rodriguez
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11 pages in length. Richard Rodriguez did not always aspire to hold English degrees and a doctorate in English Renaissance literature; in fact, until late in his childhood, he vocabulary barely reflected fifty words of English. His remarkable assimilation into the American patchwork sheds light on just how difficult it is for minorities to adapt to an entirely disparate culture – that is, unless, one is strong of mind and determination like Rodriguez. Because of his own socially limited background, the accomplished essayist stands as an icon for those whose own lives reflect his early struggles with cultural identity in America. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCRodgz.rtf
Rigoberta Menchu
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A five page paper which looks at the controversy surrounding Menchu's autobiography, and considers the ways in which the text can be assessed in terms of experiential data, political polemic, and the structure of the slave narrative. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JLrigo.rtf
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