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Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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Role of Women in Colonial Peru
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A 3 page summation and analysis of Luis Martin's book, Daughters of the Conquistadores, which is a fascinating account of the lives of women during the Spanish colonial period in Peru and the cultural forces that shaped their lives. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khperuwo.wps

Rosa’s Day: A Short Story about the Day in the Life of a Girl in Colonial Peru
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This is a 5 page original short story based on historical references to daily life in colonial Peru. It begins “Rosa awoke early for she knew she was going to have a full day. In addition to her regular chores, it was a day when she had asked her mother if it she would be allowed to take over some food to her friend Maria at the convent. Usually she would not be able to talk to the women and the children at the convent but since the Bourbons had stopped the censos through the convent, the Santa Clara nuns were thankful for any extra food or money they could obtain.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJstorD1.rtf

Sandinista by Matilde Zimmermann
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A five page paper which reviews Zimmermann's biographical account of Carlos Fonseca's life and his involvement with the Sandinista movement in Nicaragua. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: JLfonseca.rtf

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This 7 page paper discusses the view of Sarmiento's Argentina through his book, Facundo. In particular, this paper deals with the two identities of Argentina and the friction that was a result of the disparity. Sariento's image of a new Argentina is discussed. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBfacundo.rtf

Sasanid culture in Persia and Zapotec culture in Mesomerica”
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A seven page paper which compares the Sasanids of Persia with the Zapotecs of Mesomerica in terms of their social organisation, religious and culture beliefs and military policies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JLsasanidzapotec.wps

Scenario: Starving Peasants in a Latin American Country
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A 5 page paper which presents the scenario that there are starving peasants in a Latin American country. The paper examines the position of a legislator that wishes to help the peasants through passage of a bill. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAstarve.rtf

Selina's Search for Identity & Assimilation in Brown Girl, Brownstones
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A 5 page paper that examines Paule Marshall's 1959 novel Brown Girl, Brownstones and discusses the factors that make this novel a universal inside observation of immigration and its challenges. The basic story and central theme of the novel are outlined and corresponding parallels pertaining to the universal experience of immigration are noted. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: LCSearch.doc

Silver Mining In 16th To 18th Century South America: Impact Upon Spanish Colonist And Native Populations
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12 pages in length. South America's silver mining from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries paved the way for future economic, political and social progress for Spanish Colonists. While the discovery of this precious metal prompted such adventurers as Juan de Ońate, New Mexico's first governor, it also set a precedent with regard to the extent of South America's extended reach into new and previously uncharted territory. Ońate began these lengthy journeys in 1598 with a party of one hundred fifty men, several servants and additional family. Their five-month expedition led them from Rio Conchos to the Pueblo of San Juan and beyond; however, they could never have made this journey with any success had it not been for the Native American scouts who provided guidance over unfamiliar terrain. The manner by which Spanish colonists ultimately violated and betrayed the native peoples, however, most likely made them sorry for ever offering their assistance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCsilvr.rtf

Simon Bolivar and Ponciano Arriaga: Their Contributions to the Independence of Latin America
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the impacts of Simon Bolivar and Ponciano Arriaga, with a focus on their ideologies. This paper integrates a view of each of these men and their contribution to the independence of Latin American. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MHBoliv2.rtf

Simón Bolívar “El Libertador”
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This 7 page report discusses Simón Bolívar (1783-1830), the liberator or “el libertador” of South America. school children throughout the Americas most often are taught that he was the “George Washington of South America.” He began his quest to liberate South America in 1810 and continued for the next twenty years to re-create a vision of an independent yet regional realm that would be every bit as glorious as that of its Old World colonizers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWsimonb.wps

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