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Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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Mexico Trade Patterns and Recommendations
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10 pages. Compares the impact of economic and political forces on trade patterns and makes managerial recommendations based on analysis. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: JGAmexco.wps

Mexico: Third World Politics and Economics
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A 10 page review of Mexico's political and economic history. Discusses both the hopes and the downfalls of capitalism. Identifies a great social disparity in Mexico between the extremely poor and the extremely rich and suggest that her greatest problems revolve around meeting the basic human needs of her poor. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Ppmexico.wps

Mexico: Analysis Of Economic Collapse
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A 60 page comprehensive paper about the economic crises in Mexico. Historically, Mexico has experienced an economy that is either boom or bust. In the last three decades, for instance, there have been periods of significant growth only to be interrupted by five different economic collapses. The last collapse of the macroeconomy was 1994-1995. This crisis resulted in a $50 billion assistance program put together by the International Monetary Fund, and including a $20 billion loan from the United States. This paper traces the history of the Mexican macroeconomy since 1976. It provides a significant amount of data regarding balance of payments and gross domestic product. The writer explains the events leading up to the crash, the subsequent bailout program and the policy reforms adopted by the government. The peso is now so strong that one company is having goods manufactured in Texas, which are then exported from Mexico. Many statistics and 3 tables are included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGmexec.rtf

Miguel Leon-Portilla's 'Broken Spears'
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A 7 page paper that reviews the book Broken Spears by Miguel Leon-Portilla. This paper describes the author's presentation of material in regards to the Nahaus perspectives on the Spanish conquest of Mexico. His utilization of materials from as far back as 1528 allows the reader an adequate vision of the discrepancies between the historical representation of events and the events as perceived by the indigenous people / Native Indians. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Spears.wps

Military Rule in Brazil 1964 – 1985; Causes and Results
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This 10 page paper looks at reasons behind the seizure of political control on Brazil by the military in 1964. The reasons for this are numerous, including the role played by João Goulart in precipitating the actions taken by the military. These issues are discussed with reference to the economic and social conditions in Brazil immediately prior to the coup. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEbraz64.wps

Monetary Policy in Argentina 1960 – 2000
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This 14 page paper consider the monetary policy followed during this time by the governments of Argentina. Dividing the paper into three sections, 1960 – 1980, 1980- 1989 and 1989 – 200 the paper looks at the policy of money supply and the effects this has on the economy. The paper has seven graphs and bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEargent.wps

My Contemporary American Family: Hispanic/Mexican
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An 8 page paper which examines a contemporary Hispanic family in mainstream America. The paper examines how this particular family is different than mainstream America today, yet upholds all the values that America holds dear. The family is discussed as it relates to family theories. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: RAfam.rtf

Natural Hazards in Chile
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An 8 page paper which discusses the variety of natural hazards that can be found in the country of Chile. The paper presents an examination of earthquakes tsunami, floods, and volcanoes. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAchilehaz.wps

Neoliberalism in Latin America
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A 4 page discussion of neoliberalism in Latin America. Notes the shortcomings of the political philosophy and uses Mexico to illustrate its many economic and social failures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPneolib.wps

New Insights on Cuba
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A 5 page analysis of two journal articles on the turbulent Caribbean island. The first article takes a detailed look at the Cuban Revolution and the role of Che Guevara's 'foco' theory. The second article deals with Cuba's current political situation and the other Caribbean nations have been moving toward rapprochement of Cuba. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Cubainst.wps

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