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Papers On Holocaust Studies
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Anti-Semitic Policies in Nazi Germany, Nazi Austria and Nazi Poland
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This 5 page paper looks at the way in which the Third Reich Nazi policies were similar and different in these three countries. Each country is considered in the way the policies were implemented and the effects that they had on the country. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEnaziap.wps
Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany
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A 3 page paper which examines anti-Semitic policies in the Nazi state in detail, including 1938’s Kristallnacht. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TGkrisnact.rtf
Armenia, Genocide & Meaning
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A 30 page research paper that discusses genocide, focusing primarily on the details of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and Peter Balakian's book on this subject, The Burning Tigris (2003). Balakian's analysis of the Armenian Genocide addresses several pertinent themes that are applicable to the overall topic of genocide. Therefore, this examination of the Armenian Genocide, concentrating on the history and analysis offered by Balakian, also extends his points, where applicable, to the topic of genocide in general. It attempts to discern the pattern of genocide and how this has been replicated in other genocidal campaigns, as well as the fundamental causes behind genocide and tragedy, which relate the discussion to the causes of human aggression and violence. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: kharmbal.rtf
Balancing Survival & Sanity - Living Through the Atrocities of Auschwitz
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A 7 page interpretive essay that strives to answer the question of how one would survive, both physically and emotionally, the atrocities of Auschwitz. Included is a discussion of accounts and emotions presented in Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chamber, a book written by Auschwitz survivor Filip Muller. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: LCsanity.doc
Book Analysis / Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
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A 15 page critique of Shirer's book. The critique considers Shirer's use of his own personal experiences, Nazi documentation and visual representation of their own operations in support of an argument in support of the work as a good representation of historical fact. The argument is contrasted to arguments against the validity of most written history. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Thirdr.wps
Book Review / "Ordinary Men"
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This 5 page report analytically reviews Christopher Browning's book entitled "Ordinary Men"-- an insightful look at how a few "common" people with no prior record of violence became blood-thirsty Nazis during wartime. Browning studied the war records of Nazi Police Battalion 101 to write this book and makes a very strong point of the fact that the Holocaust can literally happen anywhere..that any group of people can become Nazis and that these were, after all, just "Ordinary Men"... No Bibliography.
Filename: Ordinary.wps
Borowski on Human Nature
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This 7 page paper discusses the work of Holocaust survivor Tadeusz Borowski and what it tells us about his opinions of human nature, and man's future. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: HVBrwski.rtf
Borowski’s View of the Holocaust
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A five-page paper analyzing the view of the Holocaust expressed in two short stories from Tadeusz Borowski’s “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentleman.” There is a spiritual element to the way most Jews approached their fate that Borowski’s narrator cannot empathize with at all; for him everything is a matter of sheer expediency, and people who refuse to cooperate with the necessary politics of camp life deserve not pity but contempt. Stories discussed are the title story “This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentleman” and “A Day at Harmenz”. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: KBgas.wps
Botwinick's A History of the Holocaust
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This 7 page paper looks at this comprehensive book and answers ten questions posed by the author. The paper considers thoughtful questions on the Holocaust and relies on the book to a large extent for answers. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA315hol.rtf
Cambodian Women and the Khmer Rouge
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This 7 page report
discusses the genocide that took place in Cambodia during the
totalitarian regime of the Khmer Rouge in 1975-1979. Various
empirical studies reported that Cambodian women experienced the
most extensive trauma. These women were victims of physical
violence, often of a sexual nature, perpetrated by their fellow
citizens. They were exposed to multiple forms of emotional abuse,
torture, and forced labor. Many witnessed the deaths or
executions of their husbands, and most lost at least one, and
often several, of their children. Extended kinship networks, so
much a part of their cultural heritage and their everyday
functioning, were destroyed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWcamref.wps
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